
  1. What is a bone?
    An osseous tissue covered by periosteum
  2. Osseous tissue
    • Supporting connective tissue composed of calcium salt;
    • A hard tissue that is relatively resistant to tensile and compressive forces.
  3. Periosteum
    • Covering of the bone;
    • isolates it from the surrounding tissue;
    • provides for circulatory and nervous supply
  4. Types of bones
    • Compact (cortical, dense)
    • Cancellous (trabecular, spongy)
  5. Functions of the bone
    • provide structural support for entire body
    • protects organs and tissues of the body
    • serve as levers that can change the magnitude and direction of force generated by skeletal muscles
    • provide storage for calcium salts to maintain concentrations of calcium and phosphate ions in body fluids
    • produced blood cells
  6. Bone Shapes
    • (LSFI)
    • Long bones
    • Short bones
    • Flat Bones
    • Irregular Bones
  7. Where are long bones found?
    In the appendicular skeletal system
  8. Parts of a long bone
    • Diaphysis
    • epiphysis
    • epiphyseal plate
  9. Diaphysis
    central cycindrical shaft of the long bone;
  10. What does the diaphysis consist of?
    • Compact bone surrounding a thin layer of cancellous bone;
    • Within the canellous bone like the medullary cavity, which is filled with yellow bone marrow.
  11. What is yellow bone marrow?
    The filling of the medullary cavity in the diaphysis of the long bone
  12. Epiphysis
    end of the long bone that articulates with adjoining bones
  13. What does the epiphysis consist of?
    • (CRHA)
    • cancellous bone surrounded by a layer of compact bone;
    • Red bone marrow;
    • hematopoiesis;
    • articular cartilage
  14. Red Bone Marrow
    contained in the porous chambers of the spongy bone
  15. Hematopoiesis purpose and location
    • Produces red and white blood cells and platelets;
    • occurs in red bone marrow.
  16. articular cartilage
    covering of the epiphyses that helps faciliate joint movement
  17. Epiphyseal plate and location
    • Where growth of the long bone occurs;
    • the junction between the epiphysis and the diaphysis
  18. Example of long bone
    • femur
    • humerus
  19. Example of a short bone
    • wrist
    • ankle
  20. Short bones
    • cuboidal in shape;
    • covered with articular surfaces that interface with joints
  21. Flat bones
    thin and relatively broad bones
  22. Flat bone examples
    • bones of skull
    • ribs
    • scapulae
  23. Irregular bones
    Have mixed shapes that don't fit easily into other categories
  24. Irregular bone examples
Card Set
Characteristics and types of bones