slide exam II

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    • a. malar process
    • b. sinus septum
    • c. sinus recess
    • d. maxillary sinus
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    zygomatic process
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    • a. maxillary tuberosity
    • b. coronoid process
    • c. hamular process
    • d. pterygoid plates
    • e. zygoma
    • f. maxillary sinus
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    maxillary tuberosity
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    coronoid process
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    hamular process
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    • a. lingual foramen
    • b. genial tubercles
    • c. mental ridge
    • d. mental fossa
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    • a. mental ridge
    • b. genial tubercles/lingual foramen
    • c. mental foramen
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    mylohyoid ridge or interal oblique ridge
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    submandibular gland fossa
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    • a. external oblique ridge
    • b. internal oblique ridge or mylohyoid (located lingually)
    • c. mandibular canal
    • d. submandibular gland fossa
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    Lingual thyroid
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    • foliate papillae
    • -

    • •The foliate papillae are normal bilateral structures on the most posterior lateral surface of the tongue. They may be small nodules or vertical folds and grooves. They are composed of lymphoid tissue and may contain taste buds. In smokers, they may get very red and exaggerated. It is an
    • important structure to visualize because cancer of the tongue may be found just anterior to them.
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    fusion. union of two tooth buds. count the teeth!
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  16. the fusion of two teeth by cementum is called...?

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    dens in dente

    also known as dens invaginatus
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    recurrent aphthous ulcers
  19. trauma after pt had a dental visit which included palatal injections:Image Upload 42
    recurrent intraoral herpes

    • (condition in which the virus is triggered to proliferate on the hard, bound down mucosa (not the moveable, like recurrent aphthous) can be triggered by a dental visit. Note the erythema with small, punched out ulcers, typical of herpetic ulcers. Also note the nicotinic stomatitis
    • in this patient.)
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    mucocele (minor salivary gland duct is severed due to trauma)

    ranula is a mucocele which occures on the floor of the mouth, and is associated with major salivary glands.
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    • Ranula: mucocele that forms unilaterally on the floor of the mouth. It is
    • associated with the ducts of MAJOR glands
  22. the radiolucency here is an example of?
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    internal resorption, the tooth crown would most likely look pink.
  23. what is this radiopacity?
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    retained deciduous molar.
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    taurodont tooth
  25. malignant tumor of bone cells are called?
    osteogenic sarcoma.
  26. malignant tumors of bone cells metastasize via the...?
    blood and direct invasion
  27. malignant tumors of connective tissues (bone, cartilage, fibrous tissue, and fat cells) are referred to as....?
  28. Epithelial tumors (squamous cell, basal cells, glands, and ducts) are referred to as...?
  29. benign tumors of bone are called...?
  30. bengin inflammation of bone marrow spaces is called...?
  31. sarcomas metastasize via the....?
    blood and by direct invasion
  32. carcinomas matastasize via the...?
    lymph system and by direct invasion
  33. old woman on corticosteroids. white curd-like material on her hard palate which can be easily wiped off leaving red raw surface.
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    pseudomembranous candidiasis

    -candidiasis is an opportunistic infection.

    could not have been: Erythematous candidiasis (red and painful), Chronic atrophic candidiasis (red and known as Denture Stomatitis, seen under full and partial dentures), Chronic hyperplastic candidiasisplakia (white plaque-like fungal lesion of mucosa, cannot be wiped off).
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    Erythematous candidiasis or acute atrophic
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    Chronic atrophic candidiasis or Denture Stomatitis
  36. cannot be wiped off.
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    Leukoplakia - cannot be wiped off.

    cannot be: Pseudomembranous candidiasis (white, curd-like, can be wiped off), Nicotine stomatitis (on hard palate), Leukoedema (buccal mucosa, bilateral, milky-white translucent and disappears when stretched), Erythroplakia (red lesion, usually granular or velvety).

    ***Erythroplakia or speckled leukoplakia (red and white patch) are much less common than leukoplakia, but much more likely to be cancerous
  37. white corrugated lesion, HIV infected pt, cannot be whited off:
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    Hairy Leukoplakia caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. (most often seen in HIV infected pts)

    White hairy tongue is a condition caused by tobacco, hydrogen peroxide, chemical rinses, alcohol, or certain foods.

    Kaposi sarcoma is a vasular neoplasm

    Pseudomembranous candidasis, can be whited off and is curd-like.
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    Nicotine stomatitis - inflammed salivary gland orifices.
  39. golfer, no sunscreen, loss of vermillion border.
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    actinic cheilitis
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    erythema multiforme
  41. srsly red, pulled-looking eye
    • mucous membrane PEMPHIGOID
    • -splitting of epithelium from connective tissue at basement membrane
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  42. bleeding, non-healing gums, acantholysis, intraepithelial blisters, and Tzanck cells.Image Upload 72
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    Sjogren’s Syndrome

    often accompanied by Rheumatoid arthritis.

    autoimmune disease that affects the lacrimal and salivary glands, resulting in a decrease of tears and xerostomia. Parotid glands are enlarged.
  44. severest form of EM (erythema multiforme) is...?
    Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

    can act up with a recent herpes infection
  45. "Butterfly rash"
    Lupus erythematosis
Card Set
slide exam II
radiographic anatomy