1st exam

  1. Administrative Law
    orders & decrees issued by govermental agencies that have the force of law
  2. Antitrust Law
    Statue that seeks to promote competition among business
  3. Attest
    to affirm to be correct, true or genuine
  4. Business Law
    Rules of conduct for the performance of business transactions
  5. Case Law
    • a branch of continental law which is the general part of private law
    • a branch of common law dealing with disputes between individuals or organizations (as opposed to criminal law)
    • Secular or civil law; law that is not religious law
    • law that is not military law or martial law
  6. Civil Law
    type of law that involves a conflict between private persons or organizations
  7. Clayton Act
    prohibits price discrimination to different purchases where price differences does not result from differences in selling or transporation cost. Prohibits agreements to sell on the condition that the purchaser shall not use goods of the sellers competitors, ownership of stock or assets in a competing business where the effect may be to substantially lessen competition & interlocking directors between boards of directors of competing firms.
  8. common law
    english custom recognized by courts as binding
  9. confusion of source
    representing goods or services as those of another
  10. constitution
    document that contains fundamental principles of a goverment
  11. court of original general jurisdiction
    court of record in which case is first tried
  12. damages
    sum of money a wrongdoer must pay to an injured party
  13. domestic relations court
    court that handels divorce or related cases
  14. ethics
    principals that determin the morality of condut, it's motives and it's duties
  15. federal district court
    trial court of federal court system
  16. felony
    a more serious court
  17. hacker
    unauthorized person who gains access to another's computer
  18. infraction
    the act or an instances of infringing; a violation
  19. injuction
    court's permanent order forbiding an action
  20. injurious falsehood
    false statement of fact that degrades quaility of another's goods or services
  21. jurisdiction
    authority of a court to hear a case
  22. law
    govermental rule prescribing conduct and carrying a penalty for violation
  23. libel
    defamation of another without legal justification
  24. negligence
    failure to exercise reasonable care
  25. officers of inferior, state & federal court
    • inferior=the judge, justice of the peace, magistrate, trial justice
    • state=sheriff
    • federal= marshall
  26. ordinances
    law enacted by a city
  27. per se violations
    activity illegal regardless of its effect
  28. petition
    is a request to change something, most commonly made to a government official or public entity.
  29. pirated software
    Software copied illegally
  30. plaintiff
    person who begins a civil lawsuit
  31. restraining order
    court's temporary order forbidding an action
  32. RICO Act
    • Racketeer Influenced and Corrup Organizations Act
    • is a federal law designed to prevent the infiltration of legitimate business by organized crime.
  33. Robinson-Patman Act
    an amendment to the Clayton Act, prohibits price discrimination generally & geographically for the purpose of eliminating competition
  34. Sherman Antitrust Act
    is the most important antitrust law, prividing that anyone who monopolizes or tries to obtain a monopoly in interstate commerce is guilty of a felony
  35. Slander
    defamation of charachter by spoken words or justice
  36. Stare decisis
    principles that a court decision controls the decision of a similar future case
  37. Statues
    law enacted by legislative bodies
  38. Theft & types of theft
    • is the crime of stealing
    • shoplifiting
    • embezzalment
    • larceny
  39. Tort
    private wrong for which damages may be recovered
  40. Tortfeasor
    person whose action causes injury
  41. Uniform Commercial Code
    regulates sales & leases of goods; negotiable instruments, such as checks; secured transactions; and particular aspects of banking and fund transfers, letters of credit, warehouse receipts, bills of lading and investment securities.
  42. U.S. Constitution
    is the supreme law of the United States. It is the foundation and source of the legal authority underlying the existence of the United States of America and the federal government of the United States.
  43. U.S. Court of Federal Claims
    hears cases involving claims against the US goverment
  44. U.S. Supreme Court
    is the highest judicial body in the United States, and leads the federal judiciary. It consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight Associate Justices, who are nominated by the President and confirmed with the "advice and consent" (majority vote) of the Senate
  45. Venue
    location where a case is to be tried
  46. Verdict
    decision of a jury
  47. Wobbler
    an offense that can be either a felony or a misdemeanor
  48. Writ of certiorari
    order to produce record of a case
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1st exam
vocabulary words