Chapter 12 The Central Nervous System (TB)

  1. The nonspecific ascending pathways ________.

    B) are involved in the emotional aspects of perception
  2. The superchiasmatic nucleus is found in the ________.

    C) hypothalamus
  3. Nuclei of cranial nerves V, VI, and VII are found in the ________.

    C) pons
  4. The arbor vitae refers to ________.

    D) cerebellar white matter
  5. The brain stem consists of the ________.

    A) midbrain, medulla, and pons
  6. The primary auditory cortex is located in the ________.

    B) temporal lobe
  7. Spinocerebellar tracts ________.

    D) carry proprioceptive inputs to the cerebellum
  8. The spinal cord has gray matter on the ________.

    C) inside, white matter on the outside, and a ventral motor root
  9. The subarachnoid space lies between what two layers of meninges?

    D) arachnoid and pia
  10. The vital centers for the control of heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure are located in the ________.

    D) medulla
  11. Cell bodies of the sensory neurons of the spinal nerves are located in ________.

    A) the dorsal root ganglia of the spinal cord
  12. The fissure separating the cerebral hemispheres is the ________.

    A) longitudinal fissure
  13. The limbic association area of the multimodal association areas provides our ________.

    D) emotional impact
  14. A shallow groove on the surface of the cortex is called a ________.

    A) sulcus
  15. The cerebrospinal fluid ________.

    B) is formed mostly by the choroid plexuses
  16. If the posterior portion of the neural tube failed to develop properly ________.

    B) the spinal cord may be affected
  17. The central sulcus separates which lobes?

    B) frontal from parietal
  18. Neural tracts that convey life-saving information to the brain concerning burning pain would be ________.

    A) lateral spinothalamic
  19. Which of these would you not find in the cerebral cortex?

    A) fiber tracts
  20. The hypothalamus ________.

    C) is the thermostat of the body since it regulates temperature
  21. The white matter of the spinal cord contains ________.

    C) myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers
  22. A lateral tract in the spinal cord would be ________.

    B) rubrospinal
  23. An individual accidentally transected the spinal cord between T1 and L1. This would result in ________.

    D) paraplegia
  24. Spastic paralysis suggests involvement of the ________.

    B) upper motor neurons
  25. Ridges of tissue on the surface of the cerebral hemispheres are called ________.

    D) gyri
  26. The frontal lobe is separated from the temporal lobe by the ________.

    A) lateral sulcus
  27. Brodmannʹs numbering refers to ________.

    A) structurally distinct cortical areas
  28. Two terms for the massive motor tracts serving voluntary movement are ________.

    A) pyramidal and corticospinal
  29. An individual who could trace a picture of a bicycle with his or her finger but could not recognize it as a bicycle is most likely to have sustained damage to the ________.

    B) visual association area
  30. Brocaʹs area ________.

    A) is considered a motor speech area
  31. The function of commissures is to connect ________.

    D) corresponding areas of the two hemispheres
  32. The blood-brain barrier is effective against ________.

    A) metabolic waste such as urea
  33. Which of the following is not part of the basal nuclei?

    D) substantia nigra
  34. All of the following are structures of the limbic system except the ________.

    C) caudate nucleus
  35. Which of the following is not a midbrain structure?

    D) third ventricle
  36. The process of linking new facts with old facts already stored in the memory bank is called ________.

    D) consolidation
  37. An electroencephalogram ________.

    C) indicates a normal frequency range of 1-30 Hz
  38. The brain area that regulates activities that control the state of wakefulness or alertness of the cerebral cortex is the ________.

    B) reticular formation
  39. Which of the following would you not find in normal cerebrospinal fluid?

    D) red blood cells
  40. REM sleep is associated with ________.

    A) temporary skeletal muscle paralysis, except for the extrinsic eye muscles
  41. Mr. Hom was injured in an accident that completely severed his spinal cord at the level of T12. You would expect to find all of the following except ________.

    A) slurred speech
  42. Injury to the hypothalamus may result in all of the following except ________.

    B) loss of proprioception
  43. White matter of the spinal cord ________.

    D) contains the anterior and posterior spinocerebellar tracts
  44. Which statement about aging is most accurate?

    B) Despite some neuronal loss, changing synaptic connections support additional learning throughout life.
  45. Which association is most accurate?

    A) motor-anterior
  46. Brain wave amplitude ________.

    C) reflects the number of neurons firing synchronously
  47. Declarative memory is not stored in the ________.

    D) mammillary body
  48. Huntingtonʹs disease ________.

    D) has symptoms that are the opposite of Parkinsonʹs disease
  49. The corpus striatum plays a special role in ________.

    C) skill learning
  50. Storing information in long-term memory ________.

    A) is facilitated by the release of norepinephrine
  51. Important nuclei of the indirect (multineural) system that receive impulses from the equilibrium apparatus of the inner ear and help to maintain balance by varying muscle tone of postural muscles are the ________.

    C) vestibular nuclei
  52. Which of the following structures is probably not directly involved in memory?

    B) medulla
  53. The area of the cortex that is responsible for sensations of the full bladder and the feeling that your lungs will burst when you hold your breath too long is the ________.

    A) visceral sensory area
  54. Which statement about coma is true?

    D) Coma is defined as total unresponsiveness to stimuli for a long period of time.
  55. Tremor at rest, shuffling gait, stooped posture, and expressionless face are characteristics of ________.

    C) Parkinsonʹs disease
  56. Which is the mildest consequence of traumatic brain injury?

    C) concussion
  57. Declarative memory ________.

    B) is the ability to learn specific information
  58. Which of the following is/are involved with motor activity (either initiation or coordination)?

    A) red nuclei
  59. Which statement is not true?

    D) Stage 4 sleep increases in old age.
  60. Which statement about epilepsy is most accurate?

    D) Epilepsy is often genetically induced but also frequently caused by head trauma, stroke, infection, and tumor.
  61. White matter (myelinated fibers) is found in all of the following locations, with the exception of the ________.

    A) cerebral cortex
  62. Second-order neurons of both the specific and nonspecific ascending pathways terminate in the ________.

    B) thalamus
  63. Loss of ability to perform skilled motor activities such as piano playing, with no paralysis or weakness in specific muscles, might suggest damage to the ________.

    D) premotor cortex
  64. ________ waves are not normal for adults but are common for children.

    B) Theta
  65. The fourth ventricle is continuous with the ________ of the spinal cord.
    central canal
  66. The large tract that connects the right and left sides of the brain is called the ________.
    corpus callosum
  67. The ________ is a conduction pathway between higher and lower brain centers and houses nuclei for cranial nerves V-VII.
  68. The infundibulum connects the hypothalamus to the ________.
    pituitary gland
  69. The ________ are valvelike and protrude externally through the dura mater to absorb cerebrospinal fluid into venous blood.
    arachnoid villi
  70. Sensory neurons enter the spinal cord via the ________ horn.
  71. ________ memory requires practice, and is remembered by doing.
  72. The ________ includes the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus.
  73. The two longitudinal ridges on the medulla oblongata where many descending fibers cross over are called the ________.
  74. The largest nuclear mass in the midbrain is the ________.
    substantia nigra
  75. In stage 3 sleep, ________ and ________ waves appear.
    theta; delta
  76. The ________ is the main switch station for memory; if the right and left areas are damaged, the past is lost.
  77. ________ rhythm is a 24-hour cycle of sleep and wakefulness.
  78. ________ is a temporary cessation of breathing during sleep found most commonly in the elderly.
    Sleep apnea
  79. NREM sleep normally exhibits four distinct stages, which appear to alternate. True or False
  80. Petit mal seizures found in children generally go away with age. True or False
  81. NREM sleep episodes are frequently associated with erection of the penis. True or False
  82. A flat EEG is a good indication of deep sleep. True or False
  83. Theta waves are a brain wave pattern that can be seen during deep sleep and during anesthesia. True or False
  84. One disorder of the substantia nigra is Parkinsonʹs disease. True or False
  85. Cell bodies of the somatic motor neurons of the spinal nerves are located in the ventral horn of the spinal cord. True or False
  86. Meningitis is the most accurate term for inflammation of neurons. True or False
  87. The spinal cord ends at the level of L1. True or False
  88. Cerebrospinal fluid circulates within the ventricles of the brain and in the subarachnoid space outside the brain. True or False
  89. The terms fainting and syncope describe the same thing. True or False
  90. The RAS is comprised of specific pathways primarily in the limbic system. True or False
  91. Nondeclarative memories preserve the context in which they are learned. True or False
  92. The first obvious sign that the nervous system is forming in the embryo is the thickening of the surface ectoderm to form the neural plate. True or False
  93. The left cerebral hemisphere is usually dominant. True or False
  94. The limbic system acts as our emotional, or affective, brain. True or False
  95. The canal connecting the third and fourth ventricles and running through the midbrain is the foramen of Monro. True or False
  96. Commissural fibers form the corpus striatum. True or False
  97. A disturbance of posture, muscle tremors at rest, and uncontrolled muscle contraction are all symptoms of damage to the basal nuclei. True or False
  98. Projection fibers in the brain connect the right and left hemispheres. True or False
  99. Most of the ascending and descending pathways to and from the brain cross over from one side of the body to the other. True or False
  100. The primary visual cortex contains a map of visual space. True or False
  101. One functional center found within the medulla oblongata is a respiratory center involved in the control of the rate and depth of breathing. True or False
  102. Sorting of sensory information and relaying it to the appropriate cerebral sensory area occurs in the hypothalamus. True or False
  103. Sensory areas of the cortex for the genitals are located deep in the postcentral gyrus. True or False
  104. Embryonic damage to the mesencephalon could result in improper formation of the midbrain. True or False
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Chapter 12 The Central Nervous System (TB)
Biology 103A