Echo 530

  1. List the 4 types of TEE transducers:
    Which is most often used?
    • 1. Monoplane
    • 2. Biplane
    • 3. Multiplane (most used)
    • 4. Panoramic
  2. The multiplane transducer is a steerable array and rotates from 0-180 degrees:

    Transverse =
    Longitudinal =
    • 0
    • 90
  3. The 5 transducer positions are:

    • 1. Repositioning
    • 2. Rotation
    • 3. Turning
    • 4. Angulation
    • 5. Tilt
  4. The 4 standard TEE imaging views are:
    • 1. Basal
    • 2. 4 chamber
    • 3. Transgastric
    • 4. Aorta
  5. Can you think of some reasons why a Dr. would choose to do a TEE?
    • obese patient
    • eval AO
    • LV fxn
    • Endocarditis
    • Source of embolism
    • Rt heart function
  6. When shouldn't you do a TEE?
    Esophageal (tumors, stenosis, stricture, etc
  7. Mechanical complications of TEE?
    probe buckling, compression of surrounding structures
  8. TEE procedure complications?
    Patient intolerance, sore throat
  9. List the 2 classifications of emboli?
    • 1. Direct
    • 2. Indirect
  10. What is spontaneous echo contrast?
    Dynamic echoes with LA & LAA which resembles swirling smoke
  11. What is A fib? How does it affect the heart?
    • Cardiac rhythm disturbance (4 E wave with absent A wave)
    • Thromboembolism is a consequence
  12. Why TEE not used to assess AO stenosis?
    B/c of angle, etc. Transthoracic is still better

    TEE is not useful for: apex, arch b/c trachea, AS
  13. What is the treatment for A-fib?
    Cardioversion, antiarrhytmic drugs, anticoag therapy
  14. Direct source embolism has a _________________ probability of causing a stroke. Some examples of it are: 4
    • high
    • thrombus, tumor, veg, AO atheroma
  15. Indirect source has a __________________ probability of causing a stroke. Some examples of it are: (4)
    • low
    • dilated CMO, ASD, PFO, spontaneous echo contrast
  16. Define: sclerosis
    pathological hardening and thickening of tissue
  17. Define: stenosis
    abnormal narrowing
  18. Some echo signs of a pulmonary emboli would be: (5)
    • Dilated Rt heart chambers
    • Dilated PA
    • Small LV cavity
    • Paradoxical septal motion
    • vis of thrombi in pulmonary arteries
  19. What is the most common cardiac rhythm disturbance?
    Atrial Fibrillation
Card Set
Echo 530
TEE & Embolism Source