History Final

  1. What was life like in England under Cromwell's rule?
    • -against Irish/Catholic/Levellers(wanted equal say)
    • -Puritan religion, had to observe sabbath
    • -religious freedom for protestants
    • -no theatres, dancing, gambling
    • -education for all
  2. Positive/Negatives of Frederick the Great's leadership during his reign. (prussia)
    • -harsh military training
    • -seized Silesia, Austria- sparked War of Austrian Succession
    • -all accepted Prussia as a great power
  3. How did Maria Theresa's role develop during her time as Austria's empress?
    • -Father(Charles VI) had no son
    • -when Frederick II(the great) invaded Austria for Silesia convincingly appeald to Hungarians for support
    • -Lost Silesia but kept Austria
    • -reorganized bureaucracy, improved tax collection
    • -gained support among citizens
  4. Why was Louis XIV known as the Sun King?
    • He took sun as his symbol because sun is the center of the solar system just like he's the center of the nation
    • "I am the state"
  5. Describe Louis XIV's Finance Minister Colbert's positive contributions to France's economy.
    -mercantilist: cleared lands for farming, encouraged mining/lacemaking, overseas colonies, high tariff on imported goods
  6. Define constitutional government
    rulers rule by rules agreed on by citizens, defined/limited by law
  7. define aristocracy
    headed by privileged or upper class
  8. define monarchy
    king/queen exercises central power
  9. What did the Edict of Nantes significantly change in France?
    • granted religious toleration to protestant/huguenots(french calvinist caholics)
    • (Henry IV)
  10. Describe the relationship between Queen ElizabethI of England and Phillip II of Spain
    • elizabeth was protestant, phillip was catholic
    • he considered her his greatest enemy
    • her ships "sea dogs" attacked spanish fleets
    • she supported dutch against spanish
  11. What were the causes of England's civil war in the 1600s?
    • -Charles I's struggle with Parliament, they wanted him to sign (he did) Petition of right; but he dissolved parliament
    • -during Long Parliament, they executed his chief ministers including Laud
    • -Charles fought back when they couldn't be dissolved
    • -stormed House of common
  12. Name the reasons Russia had been isolated from the West until Peter the Great's rule
    • "time of troubles"
    • -succession, peasant uprising, invasions
  13. What was the result of the Glorious revolution of 1688 and Bill of Rights in England?
    • revolution: parliament had James II"s daugther and son in law (Mary and William) take over because James flaunted his catholic faith, bloodless overthrowing
    • b.o.r.: superiority of parliament over monarchy, parliament had to meet regularly, monarch couldn't suspend laws, no roman catholic on throne, trial by jury, no unjust punishments, habeas corpus-need reason for jail
  14. Describe the similar leadership experiences of Parliament of England, James I, Charles I, and James II.
    they all fought for complete control over England- shot down by people
  15. What were the positive and negative effects of Louis XIV's reign?
    • pos-french culture highly distinguished
    • neg- costly war, france deep in debt, lost huguenots when edict of nantes was revoked
  16. Discuss reasons for, execution of, and outcomes of the Thirty years' war
    • causes: religious differences, local conflict in Bohemia. Ferdinand suppressed protestants, Ferdinand=Holy Roman Emperor, political alliances outweighed religion
    • execution:mercenaries(soldiers for hire) burned villages, destroyed crops
    • outcomes: severe depopulation, peace of Westphalia, France wins/gains territory on Spanish and German frontiers, Germany divided 360 states, Hapsburg loses big time
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History Final