US History Grade HS Grade 11 pg 3-12

  1. More laws were needed as cities became filled with more people.
  2. Some people believe if more people had jobs, there would be less crime.
  3. Everyone thinks using drugs should be legal.
    FALSE! Some do, Some don't
  4. The Constitution says it is against the law to own a gun.
    FALSE! The Constitution gives us the right to bare arms, or own a gun.
  5. The poor, the sick, and the old have always been taken care of by the government.
  6. Capital punishment means putting someone to death.
  7. Inhumane treatment of people means people are treated kindly.
    FALSE! IN-humane means the opposite of being humane. Humane means to be kind, have compassion, sympathy or consideration for humans or animals.
  8. A deterrent is supposed to keep people from carrying out a crime.
    TRUE (Some deterrents are jail time, fines, capitol punishment, etc.)
  9. Abolishing means:
    getting rid of.
  10. A crime of passion is...
    ...the harming of someone close to you.
  11. Upper class are those people who (a) have the most money (b) rule the land (c) went to school
    (a) have the most money
  12. Middle class are those people who are (a) stuck in the middle (b) neither rich nor poor (c) improving their life
    (b) neither rich nor poor
  13. A crime against property is...
    the destroying of property, such as a building. Theft is also a crime against property.
  14. Immigrants who came from northern and western Europe who were better educated and had more money are known as:
    Old Immigrants
  15. Immigrants who came from eastern and southern Europe who had little education or money when they arrived in America are known as:
    New Immigrants. The New Immigrants are immigrants who arrived after 1890, and this group came primarily from Southern and Eastern Europe, places like Italy, Austro-Hungary, Russia, and the Baltic States
  16. This group of people stayed mainly in the east when they came to America: (a) Upper Class (b) New Immigrants (c) Old Immigrants
    (b) New Immigrants
  17. Families didn't make as many of the things they needed after (a) 1600 (b) 1700 (c) 1800
    (c) 1800 ??
  18. The sport of gentlemen was (a) wrestling (b) prize fighting (c) horse racing
    (c) horse racing
  19. People who leave their own country and come to a new one are: (a) poor class (b) immigrants (c) deterrents
    (b) immigrants
  20. Most Americans belong to the (a) lower class (b) middle class (c) upper class
    (b) middle class
  21. People with the least money are in the (a) lower class (b) middle class (c) upper class
    (a) lower class
  22. Immigrants are people who...
    leave their own land to go to another.
  23. Because of the chances America offers people it is know as..
    ...the land of opportunity.
  24. Something that keeps people from carrying out a crime is known as a:
  25. When someone is put to death for a crime they have committed it is known as:
    capital punishment
  26. Horrible, cruel treatment of people is called:
  27. People who came from northern and western Europe were (a) Old Immigrants (b) New Immigrants
    (a) Old Immigrants
  28. People who came from southern and eastern Europe were (a) Old Immigrants (b) New Immigrants
    (b) New Immigrants
  29. These people had less education and less money when they came to America (a) Old Immigrants (b) New Immigrants
    (b) New Immigrants
  30. These people had to stay mostly in the eastern cities when they came to America: (a) Old Immigrants (b) New Immigrants
    (b) New Immigrants
  31. Early in American history which of these did not help the old, poor, the sick and the uneducated: (a) families (b) the government (c) churches (d) rich people?
    (b) the governement
  32. Burning down a building is a: (a) crime of passion (b) crime against property (c) crime of violence
    (b) crime against property
  33. A gangster killing another gangster is a crime: (a) of passion (b) against property (c) of violence
    (c) of violence
  34. A father killing his children is a crime: (a) of passion (b) against property (c) of violence
    (a) of passion
  35. Most Americans belong to the: (a) lower class (b) middle class (c) upper class
    (b) middle class
  36. As cities grew in size, more problems got started for city governments.
  37. As cities became filled with more people, fewer laws were needed.
  38. By the 1800's, families were no longer making everything they needed and growing all their own food.
  39. People who believe in getting tough with the criminals believe in law and order.
  40. As more people began using drugs, crime increased.
  41. Some people believe if there were more working people with good jobs, there would be less crime.
  42. Some people believe using drugs should be made legal.
  43. The Constitution gives people the right to own guns.
  44. The sport of "gentlemen" was horse racing.
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US History Grade HS Grade 11 pg 3-12
Early American life