slide exam I

  1. Mixed radiographic lesions (both radiopague and radiolucent) represent what?
    A transition stage in lesion development. (usually becomes more radiopague with time)
  2. periapical cemento-osseous dysplasia
  3. location of following lesions:

    (between the roots)
  4. <.05p =
    1 out of every 20
  5. location of lesion:
    • pericoronal
    • -wrapped around the crown of impacted tooth
  6. location of lesion:
    • periapical
    • -around the apex (roots) of tooth
    • -often indicates necrosis of tooth.
  7. location of lesion:
  8. single comparemented lesions are called?
  9. multicompartmented lesions are called?
  10. multilocular "soap bubble" appearance
    tends to be bengin but v. agressive growth.
  11. this lesions borders are?
    • corticated
    • -well defined.
  12. this lesion's diffuse border is called a?
    non-corticated border
  13. this lesion is called?
    • expansile
    • -usually benign
    • -slow growing lesion
    • -cortex able to lay down cortical bone faster than it resorbs
  14. when lesions perforates the cortical plate..
    • Cortical Erosion
    • -may indicate malignancy
    • -tumor grows so fast the cortex cannot lay bone down fast enough
  15. singular, well-defined localized lesions are called:
    Focal Opacity
  16. multiple opacities, appear to overlap
    Multifocal Confluent Opacity
  17. a lesion which is uniform in density (whiteness) throughout is called
  18. ill-defined (diffuse) pattern or density, may represent malignancy. these lesions are called?
    irregular opacity
  19. Granular, frosted-glass-like, no trabeculae. Resembles an "orange peel"
    Ground Glass
  20. Cotton-wool appearance
  21. opaque lesion located in soft tissue, not bone, ex: salivary duct stone
    Soft Tissue Opacity
  22. disappears when stretched
    • Leukoedema
    • -developmental
    • -increase edema in spinous cells, produces parakeratosis in epithelium
    • -diffuse, transparent or opalescent (milk-grey/white)
    • -occurs on buccal mucosa (bilateral)
    • -asymptomatic; cannot be wiped off with gauze
    • -stretching mucosa diminishes white appearance. this is diagnostic
    • no TX
  23. fibrous, not bony
    • Retrocuspid papilla
    • -located on gingival margin, lingual of mandibular canines.
    • Benign Migratory Glossitis
    • Geographic Tongue
    • Erythema Migrans
    • -devoid of filiform papillae
    • -caused by dekeratinization and desquamation of filiform papillae
    • Ectopic Geographic Tongue
    • -may be found on areas other than tongue
    • -often buccal & labial mucosa
    • Median Rhomboid Glossitis
    • - chronic fungal infection of Candida ablicans
    • -red, flat or raised oval lesion.
    • -located: midline of dorsum of tongue, anterior to the circumvallate papillae
    • -filiform papillae missing
    • -tx: usually none. or antifungal, but only if symptomatic.
    • Hairy Tongue
    • -cause: unknown, lack of normal desquamation of filiform papillae
    • - commonly associated with heavy smokers and poor oral hygiene.
    • -possible predisposing factors: long-term antibiotic therapy, long-term corticosteroid therapy, head and neck radiation therapy, chemical mouthrinses (hydrogen peroxide on daily basis), overgrowth of Candida albicans infection.
  24. Why is black hairy tongue, black?
    • due to the presence of Chromogenic Bacteria.
    • Do not brush with toothpaste, just water.
  25. what's the error here?
    Reversed film
  26. what's the radiographic error here?
    film bending
  27. what's the error here?
    pt movement.
  28. Elongation =
  29. More angulation of the film equates to?
    the more angulation takes place, the shorter the teeth will appear
  30. exposure error here is?
    thyroid collar too high up
  31. exposure error here?
    Finger in path of x-ray beam. (Phalangioma)
  32. exposure error here?
    light leak, lightening of film
  33. processing error: Light Film, may be due to...?
    • Solutions too cool
    • Short development time
    • Under-replenishment
    • Contaminated developer
  34. processing error: Dark film, may be due to...?
    • Solution too warm
    • Too much time in developer
    • Light leaks; incorrect filteres
  35. Which solution is cut-off?
    developer cutoff.

    (developer causes things to become darker.)
  36. Which solution is cut off?
    Fixer Cutoff

    (Fixer neutralizes developer, developer doesn't get neutralized due to low fixer solution, equates to too much development, ergo..dark block)
  37. what's the processing error seen here?
    light leak.
  38. what is the processing error seen here?
    dark spots - developer contamination
  39. what is the processing error seen here?
    white spots- fixer contamintaion or air bubbles.
  40. processing error seen here?
    yellow/brown stain = inadquate wash, depleted fixer
  41. proc error seen here?.
    overlapped film during processing
  42. processing error seen here?
    Torn Emulsion
  43. error seen here?
    Reticulation - cracked emulsion, due to temperature change.
  44. air bubbles, are more circular than a fixer splash.
  45. degree of bone loss chart.
    • mild: 20-30%
    • moderate: 30-50%
    • severe: >50%
  46. a three-walled defect has how many walls remaining?
    three-walls remaining, only one missing.
  47. .
  48. occlusal caries are automatically considered...
    moderate caries.
  49. what kind of caries is this?
    root caries
  50. abrasion. very clear path
  51. cervical burnout, on the fuzzy side.
  52. error here
    turned and too far foreward.

    too far foreward = small anterior teeth
  53. too far back. teeth are fat.
    • a. nasal septum
    • b. inferior concha
    • c. nasal fossa
    • d. anterior nasal spine
    • e. incisive foramen
    • f. median palatal suture
    • g. soft tissue of nose
  54. Nasal Fossa
  55. incisive foramen
  56. median palatal suture
  57. the lateral fossa is found..?
    anterior to canine
    • a. floor of nasal fossa
    • b. maxillary sinus
    • c. lateral fossa
    • d. nose

    a + b = inverted "Y"
Card Set
slide exam I
radiographic lesions, variants of normal, exposure errors, processing errors