AP Government

  1. Administrative Discretion
    The flexibility a federal agency can exercise in implementing legislation through its rules and regulations
  2. Affirmative Action
    A program intended to give a boost or preference to minority applicants over white applicants in contracting, employment, housing, and college or professional school admissions.
  3. Agenda Setting
    Identifying what issues need the attention of the government
  4. Amicus Curiae Brief
    A case brief submitted by an interested third party, friend of the court
  5. Antifederalists
    Those opposed to the ratification of the Constitution because of its strong central power and the lack of Bill of Rights
  6. Name two dominant antifederalists
    Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson
  7. Appellate Jurisdiction
    the power of the court to review the decision of a lower court, Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction on all of its cases
  8. Articles of Confederation
    First written constitution of the US, strong state power, very weak central government
  9. Bicameral Legislature
    two house legislature, Nebraska is the only state that is not bicameral
  10. bill
    proposed law
  11. bill of attainder
    A law that makes a person guilty of a crime without a trial. This is unconstitutional
  12. bill of rights
    first 10 amendments to the constitution, protects basic civil liberties
  13. blanket primary
    a primary election in which candidates from all parties are on the ballot and a registered voter can vote for the Democratic candidate for one office and the Republican candidate for another
  14. block grants
    money given to the states from the national government with little to no restriction on how it is used.
  15. brief
    written document submitted to the court that presents the facts and legal reasoning of a party to the lawsuit
  16. capital gains tax
    a tax on the sale of stock or real property
  17. casework
    services performed by an elected official for constituents, getting tickets for a tour of the white house
  18. cash-and-carry
    US could provide goods to countries at war if they paid in cash and provided the transportation
  19. categorical grants
    federal funds given to states for specific programs that usually require the recipient to match the amount of money given
  20. Caucus
    a group of congress members who may not share the same party, but have common policy concerns, also refers to a meeting of all the members of a party in congress
  21. centralized/creative federalism
    federal government determines the needs of the states
  22. schneck vs. US
    clear and present danger test
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AP Government