success ch.3

  1. Personality Spectrum Analysis
    Help you identify the kinds of interactions that are most, and least, comfortable for you.
  2. Potentials
    Abilities that may be developed.
  3. Typology
    A systematic classification or study of types.
  4. Intelligence
    As defined by Howard Gardner, an ability to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture.
  5. Naturalistic Intelligence
    Ability to indentify, distinguish, categorize, and classify species or items, oftems, often incorporating high interest in elements of the natural environment.
  6. Verbal-linguistic Intelligence
    Ability to communicate through language; listening, reading, writing, speaking.
  7. Musical Intelligence
    Ability to comprehend and create meaningful sound; sensitivity to music and musical patterns.
  8. Logical-mathematical Intelligence
    Ability to understand logical reasoning and problem solving; math, science, patterns, sequences.
  9. Intrapersonal Intelligence
    Ability to understand one's own behavior and feelings; self-awareness, independence, time spent alone.
  10. Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence
    Ability to use the physical body skillfully and to take in knowledge through bodily sensation; coordination, work with hands.
  11. Visual-spatial Intelligence
    Ability to understand spatial relationships and to perceive and create images; visual art, graphic design, charts and maps.
  12. Interpersonal Intelligence
    Ability to relate to others, noticing their moods, motivations, and feelings; social activity, cooperative learning, teamwork.
Card Set
success ch.3
Chapter 3