Aviation Supply Organization

  1. Who is assigned as the Commander of NAVSUPSYSCOM under the delegated authority of the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) and the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)?
    A rear admiral
  2. What does the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) give the ASO?
    Technical guidance; Weapons systems program data; and Funds for the procurement of aeronautical repairables.
  3. What is the primary Navy inventory control point (ICP) for technical aviation material support of the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP)?
    The Aviation Supply Officer (ASO)
  4. What does technical aviation material consist of?
    Spares and spare parts for aircraft and engines, avionics, electrical, accessory, safety, supportequipment (SE), and aeronautical photographic and meteorological equipment.
  5. What is the main money pool of the government?
    The General Fund of the Treasury.
  6. When can the money from the General Fund be spent?
    When the president signs the bill that congress passes to spend money from the General Fund for a designated purpose.
  7. What does the aviation wholesale supply system consist of?
    Expense and repairable items.
  8. What is an expense item?
    Items that are consumable or field-level repairables bought by the ASO with NSF money and carried in the Navy Industrial Fund (NIF) account.
  9. What are repairable items?
    Aviation depot-level repairables (AVDLRs) carried by the local stock point under a dual-pricing system.
  10. How do aircraft controlling custodians (ACC) or type commanders (TYCOM) apportion operating funds for their squadrons and units?
    As an operating target (OPTAR).
  11. What is an OPTAR?
    An estimation of the amount of money required by a unit to perform its mission.
  12. What happens to unused funds at the end of the fiscal year?
    They are reverted to the ACC or TYCOM.
  13. What can AFM funds not be used to buy?
    Housekeeping supplies, habitability items, office supplies, or services such as printing.
  14. Where can you find items not authorized for purchase with AFM funds?
    in COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2 (series), volume 2
  15. What is necessary to ensure that you obtain the correct replacement parts as quickly as possible?
    Be familiar with the supply publications that will enable you to identify the source of supply and recognize correct stock numbers and cognizance symbols used to requisition items from supply.
  16. How must you identify the material when procuring it?
    Use a means of communication that is standardized throughout the department of defense (DoD).
  17. what are National Stock Numbers (NSNs)?
    Standardized numbers used in identifying, cataloging, stocking, and issuing items of military supply.
  18. What was established that requires the use of identifying numbers?
    The Defense Cataloging Standardization Act of 1952.
  19. what do NSNs contain that is used by the ASO ?
    Prefixes of one, two or three symbols and two- character suffixes- these prefixes and suffixes may be all letters or a combination of letters and numbers.
  20. when does the stock number become a Navy- coded NSN?
    when it is combined with certain prefixes and suffixes.
  21. what does the first prefix symbol of the NSN designate?
    The command or office that has control or cognizance of a particular item.
  22. Is the assignment of names to stock items as important as the assignment of NSNs?
  23. What is the best source for identification when only the description of the item is known?
    The descriptive sections of the various Navy stocklists in your local supply activity.
  24. What influences the design of local requisitioning channels?
    The assigned levels of maintenance, geographical location of shops relative to supply facilities, and mission of the activities requiring support.
  25. What is the mission of the supply activity?
    To support the operational and maintenance efforts of each activity.
  26. What are the two sections of the aviation support division/supply support Center (ASD/SSC)?
    The supply response section (SRS) and the component control section (CCS).
  27. Why does the SRS prepare all requisitions (DD Form 1348) and related documents?
    To obtain material for local maintenance use in direct support of weapon system maintenance.
  28. Do maintenance personnel move material between organizations?
  29. Who keeps track of all components processed in the IMA?
    The component controls section (CCS).
  30. What is the single point of contact within the organizational or intermediate maintenance activity for the conduct of business with the supply organization?
    Material control or MMC.
  31. How those the work center requesting the material identify the item when a maintenance activity needs a component?
    By giving the part number and manufacturer's code from an IPB or other technical reference.
  32. Who has direct control over the aeronautical material screening unit (AMSU)?
  33. how are all components received in the AIMD/IMA material control area processed?
    Through the AMSU.
  34. Who has the responsibility of identifying components and the determining whether they are within the test, check, and repair capability of AIMD/IMA by using the standard individual component repair list (ICRL)?
    the Aeronautical Material Screening unit (AMSU).
  35. What provides for a common supply language in common supply system operation within the military establishment?
    The military standard requisitioning and issue procedure (MILSTRIP) and the uniform material movement and issue priority system (UMMIPS).
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Aviation Supply Organization