
  1. Naproxen
    Cross senstivity with ASA
  2. Cefaclor
    Cross- Sensitivity with PCN
  3. Flu Vaccine
    Assess for EGG allergy
  4. TB Test
    • Positive:
    • 48-72 hours after administration.

    • 5mm in immunocompromised patients (AIDS)
    • 10mm in regular persons
  5. Garlic & ASA
    Should not be taken together, increases risk of BLEEDING!!
  6. Levadopa
    Increase Protein can DECREASE Levadopa absorption
  7. Fosamax (alendronate)
    Osteoporosis- given in AM

    • Side effects:
    • Discomfort in chest (NOTIFY MD)
    • Jaw Necrosis
    • Esaphagitis
  8. Opiates
    Can cause urinary retention.
  9. Flomax
    Give at HS with snack b/c can cause orthostatic hypotension
  10. Celexa
    SSRI: weight gain
  11. Cozaar (Losartan)
  12. Maalox
    Can decrease absorption of other medications.
  13. Toradol
    NSAID can cause renal toxicity. Monitor Serum Cr.
  14. Ampicillin
    can decrease effectiveness of oral contraceptives
  15. Tetracyclines
    Can cause photosensitivity
  16. Tegretol (carbamazepine)
    can decrease Hgb & Platelets
  17. Cytoxan (cyclophospahamide)
    Chemo Agent
  18. Ginko
    given for memory.

    If given with Plavix, can INCREASE risk of BLEEDING
  19. Cogentin

    can cause increased IOP with people with Glaucoma.
  20. -pril -olol -pine
    A -pril (Ace Inhibitor)

    B -olol (Beta Blockers)

    C -pine (Ca Channel Inhibitors)
  21. Albuterol
  22. Beclomethasone
  23. Digoxin
    Diarrhea can indicate DIG TOXICITY in elderly (early sign).
  24. Insulin: Rapid Acting
    • Humalog (Human Insulin Lispro)
    • Novolog (Insulin Aspart)

    Give within 15 minutes of meal

    Onset 5-15minutes, Peak 45-90minutes
  25. Insulin: Short Acting
    Regular Insulin

    May be given IV

    Onset 30-60 minutes, Peak 2-3 hours
  26. Insulin: Intermediate

    Onset 1-2 hours, Peak 6-12 hours
  27. Insulin: Long Acting
    Lantus, Ultralente

    Recommended once daily, at bedtime usually. DO NOT mix with other Insulins.

    Onset 4-8 hours, peak 14-20 hours.
  28. Hypertonic Solutions
    Solutions have more concentrate than serum....cause movement of water from cells into the ECF (cell shrinks)

    • Hypertonic Solutions:
    • D5 in LR
    • D5 in 1/2 NS
    • D5 in NS
    • 10% Dextrose in H2O
  29. Hypotonic Solution
    Solution is less concentrated than serum....cause water to go into cell (cell swells).

    • Hypotonic Solutions:
    • 1/2 NS
  30. Isotonic Solutions
    Same osmolarity as serum, Increase ECF volume. Do not enter cells.

    • Isotonic Solutions:
    • NS
    • D5 in water
    • LR
  31. Colloids
    Plasma expanders. Colloids pull fluid from the interstitial space into the vascular compartment. Used to increased volume rapidly, such as in hemorrhage or severe hypovolemia.
  32. Crystalloids
    Solutions contain electrolytes, may be used for fluid volume replacement.
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