Home Economics - Services to the Home

  1. What is a circuit breaker?
    This is a switch in the fuze box that clicks off if there is a fault
  2. How does a fuse work?
    A fuse will blow if there is to much electricity flowing through it
  3. What is the brown wire in a plug called?
    Live wire
  4. What is the blue wire in a plug called?
    Neutral wire
  5. What is the yellow/green wire in a plug called?
    Earth wire
  6. Image Upload 2
    What does this symbol mean?
    Doubly insulated - This means that the appliance does not have an earth wire
  7. Describe five points regarding electrical safety
    1. Do not touch anything with wet hands

    2. Do not bring anything electrical into bathrooms

    3. Do not overload sockets

    4. Replace damaged leads

    5. Use the correct size of fuse
  8. What should you do/not do if you were to smell gas at home?
    1. Open windows and doors

    2. Call the gas company

    3. Turn the gas off at the meter

    4. Do not smoke or light a match

    5. Do not turn anything electrical on or off
  9. Why is chlorine added to dmonestic water supplies?
    To kill bacteria
  10. Why is fluorine added to domestic water supplies?
    To make our teeth and bones strong
  11. How can water be heated in the home?
    1. Immersion

    2. Back boiler

    3. Central heating

    4. Solar panels
  12. Why is the kitchen sink normally placed under a window?

    2. Ventilation

    3. Easily plumbed

    4. It is nice to look out the window while working
  13. What is the purpose of a U or S bend on a sink?
    It stops germs and smells from comingback up the plughole
  14. List five different types of lighting
    1. Tungsten filament bulbs

    2. Halogen bulbs

    3. Fluorescent tubes

    4. Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs)

    5. Light emitting diodes (LEDs)
  15. Name and describe the three different methods of heat transfer
    1. Conduction - heat travels along something solid and the entire  object becomes hot eg. storage heater

    2. Convection - air or water is heated, rises and is replaced by cool air or water eg. a fan heater

    3. Radiation - heat rays heat the object or person they shine on eg. a bar fire
  16. What are the advantages of oil?
    1. Convenient

    2. Gives off good heat
  17. What are the disadvantages of oil?
    1. Oil can be expensive

    2. It is non renewable

    3. Bad for the environment
  18. What are the advantages of gas?
    1. Clean

    2. Efficient
  19. What are the disadvantages of gas?
    1. Can run out

    2. Dangerous if it leaks
  20. What are the advantages of coal?
    1. Widely available

    2. Gives off good heat
  21. What are the disadvantages of coal?
    1. Dirty to use

    2. It is non renewable

    3. Bad for the environment
  22. What are the advantages of wood?
    1. Cheap

    2. Environmentally friendly
  23. What are the disadvantages of wood?
    1. Burns quickly so it does not give off alot of heat

    2. Difficult to store
  24. What are the advantages of turf?
    1. Cheap

    2. Widely available
  25. What are the disadvantages of turf?
    1. Burns quickly so it does not give off alot of heat

    2. Difficult to store
  26. What is a heating thermostat?
    It can be set for a certain temperature and once that temperature is reached the thermostat switches the heating system off
  27. How should an attic be insualted?
    Fibreglass, wool and foam
  28. How should walls be insualted?
    Cavity wall insulation
  29. How should floors be insulated?
    Carpet and underlay
  30. How should windows be insulated?
    Double glazed windows
  31. What is a Building Energy Rating certificate?
    This is an energy rating on your house

    It is a scale of A-G.  A rated homes are the most energy efficient

    This certificate is compulsory if a person is selling or renting their house
  32. Why is ventiliation necessary in the home?
    1. It replaces stale air with fresh air without causing a draught

    2. It prevents condensation and stops the room from getting to warm and stuffy
  33. Suggest eight different ways resources can be conserved in the home
    1. Choose appliances with a good energy rating

    2. Put a lagging jacket on the hot water cylinder

    3. Have showers instead of baths

    4. Switch off lights when not in use

    5. Do not leave TVs ot computers on standby

    6. Insulate the house

    7. Only boil the amount of water you need in the kettle

    8. Use the dishwasher or washing machine when it is full
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Home Economics - Services to the Home
Services to the Home