astronomy final

  1. what is the galaxy in which our solar system is called
    Milky way
  2. cosmology
    study of structure and evolution of the universe
  3. rotation curve
    plot of rotation speed vs. distance
  4. differential rotation
    inner parts rotate faster then outer parts
  5. how to calculate the mass of the galaxy
    the rotational velocity & the combined gravitational effect of all mass
  6. Sag A
    a galactic center black hole
  7. the cepheid variable
    measures distance to other galaxies
  8. the redshift and expansion was a measure of
    radial velocity
  9. The more distance a galaxy....
    the faster it is receding
  10. Hubble Constant
    70 km/sec per mpc
  11. hubble law
    the relation of the distance of a galaxy to its recessional speed
  12. recessional velocity equals
    H x D
  13. diagram that organizes different galaxy types
    tuning fork shaped diagram
  14. E0
    almost perfectly spherical
  15. E7
    quite flattened
  16. SA
    tightly wound and lrg central bulge
  17. Sd
    loosely wound and have small central bulge
  18. barred spirals are labeled
  19. dark mass
    missing mass
  20. all known matter interacts with
    wavelength of electromagnetic radiation.
  21. MACHO
    massive, compact halo objects
  22. WIMPS
    Weakly interacting massive particles.
  23. cosmological principle
    lack of a preferred location in the universe
  24. age of the universe is
    14 billion years
  25. galaxies move relative to space
    gravity can accelerate one galaxy to another faster then space expands.
  26. everytime we look at sky,
    we are looking back in time
  27. cosmic microwave background
    the light from the early universe
  28. after the big bang what element existed
  29. inflation
    when the universe expanded from less than the size of a proton to the size of a basketball
  30. what is inertia
    tendency of an object to stay in constant state of rest or uniform motion
  31. why is the gravitational force greater at the poles
    because the earth's diameter is greater at the equator
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astronomy final