psy 190 lec 15

  1. What are the categories of parenting programs
    • -Programs:
    • - designed to improve parenting in general, typically used by parents whose children are functioning normally but who want additional knowledge.
    • - aimed at specific populations of parents, such as parents with low incomes.
    • - focused on specific parenting issues, such as substance-abuse prevention, appropriate discipline, and antisocial behavior.
    • - targeted to specific populations of children, such as children with disabilities.
  2. What should be kept in mind about parent education programs?
    • Parenting beliefs (seek out help but “I don’t wanting to change, but I want my kids to change”.)
    • Program intensity/duration (Often not enough training/practice to have an effect.)
    • Parent’s needs (lot of times parents have problems as well as children.)
    • Personal factors (More like things that might impact parenting, basically what they bring to parenting.)
    • Family stressors (Things that are going on around that may affect them. limited education, Their psychological factors, Domestic violence ,Family discord, Excessive punishment)
    • Parental perceptions [Low-self efficacy (capacity to produce an effect); External locus of control. (Feel like it's up to other people or fate)]
    • Environmental conditions (Stressful environment. Have fear. Issues of unemployment. Hardly have any good adult involved in ur life. If u're worried about survival, less likely to concentrate on changing)
  3. Purpose of Positive Parenting Programs?
    • Ensuring a safe, interesting environment (Having balance between supervision and giving children room to explore)
    • Creating a positive learning environment (encourage good learning and academic effort/successes)
    • Using assertive discipline (associate punishment with bad behavior)
    • Having realistic expectations (Have to accept that no such thing as perfect in child or parent)
    • Taking care of yourself as a parent (Can be better balanced, more positive, more authoritative parent if own needs are met as well)
  4. What should the divorce programs ideally have?
    • Let your children love and respect both parents.
    • Do not put the other parent down.
    • Do not use visitations as an excuse to continue arguments with the other parent.
    • Do not visit your children when you are drunk or on drugs.
    • Visit the children at reasonable hours.
    • Have the children ready for visitation.
    • Do not be late for visitation.
    • Do not habitually miss visits. Your children need to be able to count on you.
    • Do not make promises to your children that you cannot keep.
    • Let the other parent know as soon as possible if you cannot keep your visit and work together to find another reasonable and convenient time.
    • Visitation is for you and your children. Do not use it to "check up on" the other parent.
    • Two homes means two sets of "house rules" that children will adjust to. You do not have a right to expect the other parent to have the same "house" rules as you do.
    • Put your children first and work together for your children's health, happiness, and safety!
  5. What are the family factors in externalizing behavior?
    • Reciprocal influence (Negative parenting <--> antisocial behavior)
    • Reinforcement trap (Negative and/or positive)
    • Punishment acceleration (increase not decreased negative behavior)
    • Instability (Family stress <--> antisocial behavior)
    • Criminality/psychopathology (have parents that are criminal, or need special care)
    • need to know because different targets for different interventions.
  6. What is STEP?
    • Systematic Training for Effective Parenting
    • teach parents why children have misbehavior.
    • Goals of misbehavior
    • Undue attention
    • Power
    • Revenge
    • Assumed inadequacy
    • Understanding the child
    • Temperament
    • Heredity and environment
    • Birth order
    • Gender roles
    • Child development
    • Parenting skills
    • Beliefs and feelings
    • Encouragement
    • Listening and talking
    • Owning the problem
    • Focus on solutions
    • Family meetings
  7. Parent Management Training (PMT)
    • Assumes maladaptive parent-child interactions partly responsible for child’s behavior
    • Two primary goals
    • Change patterns that foster child’s aggression
    • Improve monitoring
    • May add…
    • Social skills training for child
    • Parental stress coping skills
Card Set
psy 190 lec 15
lecture 15 06/01/10