1. Adjacency
    A spatial relationship that can be used to select features that share common boundaries.
  2. Attribute data query
    The process of retrieving data by working with attributes.
  3. Boolean connector
    A keyword such as AND, OR, XOR, or NOT that is used to construct compound expressions.
  4. Boolean expression
    A combination of a field, a value, and a logical operation, such as "class" = 2, from which an evaluation of True or False is derived.
  5. Brushing
    A data exploration technique for selecting and highlighting a data subset in multiple views.
  6. Containment
    A spatial relationship that can be used in data query to select features that fall withing specified features.
  7. Data visualization
    The process of using a variety of exploratory techniques and graphics to understand and gain insight into the data.
  8. Dynamic graphics
    A data exploration method that lets the user manipulate data points in charts and diagrams that are displayed in multiple and dynamically linked windows.
  9. Geovisualization
    Visualization of geospatial data by integrating approaches from cartography, GIS, image analysis, and exploratory data analysis.
  10. Intersect
    A spatial relationship that can be used in data query to select features that intersect specified features.
  11. Proximity
    A spatial relationship that can be used in data query to select features within a distance of specified features.
  12. Relational database query
    Query in a relational database, which not only selects a data subset in a table but also selects records related to the subset in other tables.
  13. Spatial data query
    The process of retrieving data by working with spatial features.
  14. Structured Query Language (SQL)
    A data query and manipulation language designed for relational databases.
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Chpt 11