1. Cartography
    The making and study of maps in all their aspects.
  2. Chart map
    A map that uses charts such as pie charts or bar charts as map symbols.
  3. Choropleth map
    A map that applies shading symbols to data or statistics collected for enumeration units such as countries or states.
  4. Chroma
    The richness or brilliance of a color. Also called saturation or intensity.
  5. CMYK
    A color model in which colors are specified by the four process colors of cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K).
  6. Contrast
    A basic element in map design that enhances the look of a map or the figure-ground relationship by varying the size, width, color, and texture of map symbols.
  7. CRT (cathode-ray tube) screen
    A display device for a personal computer that uses electron guns and color dots.
  8. Dasymetric map
    A map that uses statistics and additional information to delineate areas of homogeneous values, rather than following administrative boundaries.
  9. Dot map
    A map that uses uniform point symbols to show spatial data, which each symbol representing a unit value.
  10. Figure-ground relationship
    A tendency in visual perception to separate more important objects (figures) in a visual field from the background (ground).
  11. Flow map
    A map that display different quantities of flow data by varying the width of the line symbol.
  12. Font
    A complete set of all variants of a given typeface.
  13. General reference map
    One type of map used for general purposes such as the USGS topographic map.
  14. Graduated color map
    A map that uses a progressive color scheme such as light red to dark red to show the variation in spatial data.
  15. Graduated symbol map
    A map that uses different-sized symbols such as circles, squares, or triangles to represent different magnitudes.
  16. HSV
    A color model in which colors are specified by their hue (H), saturation (S), and value (V).
  17. Hue
    The quality that distinguishes one color from another, such as red from blue. Hue is the dominant wavelength of light.
  18. Interposition
    A tendency for an object to appear as though it is behind another because of its incomplete outline.
  19. Isarithmic map
    A map that uses a system of isolines to represent a surface.
  20. Layout
    The arrangement and composition of map elements on a map.
  21. LCD (liquid crystal display) screen
    A display device for a personal computer that uses electric charge through a liquid crystal solution between two sheets of polarizing materials.
  22. Map design
    The process of developing a visual plan to achieve the map's purpose.
  23. Point
    Measurement unit of type, with 72 points to an inch.
  24. Proportional symbol map
    A map that uses a specific-sized symbol for each numeric value.
  25. RGB
    A color model in which colors are specified by their red (R), green (G), and blue (B) components.
  26. Sans serif
    Without serif
  27. Serif
    Small, finishing touches added to the ends of lines strokes in a typeface.
  28. Spline text
    A text string aligned along a curved line.
  29. Subdivisional organization
    A map design principle that groups map symbols at the primary and secondary levels according to the intended visual hierarchy.
  30. Thematic map
    One type of map that emphasizes the spatial distribution of a theme, such as a map that shows the distribution of population densities by county.
  31. Transparency
    A display tool that controls the percentage of a layer that is transparent.
  32. Typeface
    A particular style or design of type.
  33. Type weight
    Relative blackness of a type such as bold, regular, or light.
  34. Type width
    Relative width of a type such as condensed or extended.
  35. Value
    The lightness or darkness of a color.
  36. Visual hierarchy
    The process of developing a visual plan to introduce the 3-D effect or depth to maps.
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Chpt 10