Appendicular Skeletal System

  1. What is the appendicular system?
    - Functions to attach the limbs to the trunk of the body
  2. What's considered a part of the appendicular system?
    • The bones of the:
    • (LAPP)
    • Legs
    • Arms
    • Pectoral
    • Pelvic girdle
  3. Major bone areas of the appendicular skeleton
    • (CS-UF-PTLF)
    • Clavicle
    • Scapulae
    • Upper Arm
    • Forearm
    • Pelvic Girdle
    • Thigh
    • Leg
    • Foot
  4. Bones of the shoulder
    • (CSH)
    • Clavicle
    • Scaupla
    • Humerus
  5. Where is the clavicle located?
    Clavicle articulates with the sternal manubrium proximally and scapulate distally; positioned just superior to the first rib
  6. What is the purpose of the clavicle?
    Palpation of the clavicles helps to determine electrode placement for ECG and defibrillation.
  7. Where are the scapulae located?
    Situated on the posterior side of the body in the region of the first seven ribs.
  8. What are the 2 important landmarks of the scapulae?
    • (IA)
    • inferior angle
    • acromion process
  9. Inferior angle and location
    • Landmark of the scapula;
    • - used for skinfold site location
    • - located at the bottom of the scapulae, forming the junction between the medial and lateral borders
  10. Acromion process and location
    • Landmark of the scapulae;
    • - used for shoulder breadth measurement
    • - the bony process at the most lateral part of the shoulder
  11. Humerus and location
    • Bone of the upper arm
    • - proximally articulate with the glenoid fossa of the scapulae and distally articulates with the ulna and radius
  12. What are the Medial and lateral epicondyles? Location and purpose?
    • - Most easily palpable aspects of the humerus
    • - Located at distal end of humerus
    • - located for elbow width measurement in estimating frame size
  13. Bones of the forearm
    • Radius (lateral)
    • Ulna (medial)
  14. Olecranon process
    most prominent bony landmark of the proximal forearm on the posterior ulna
  15. Radial styloid process and purpose
    • - located laterally on the distal end of the forearm
    • - help identify proper location for assessing radial pulse
  16. ulnar styloid process and purpose
    • - located medially at the distal end of the forearm
    • - help identify proper location for assessing radial pulse
  17. Bones of the pelvic girdle
    • (HSC)
    • Hip bones
    • sacrum
    • coccyx
  18. Bones that make up the hip
    • (IIP)
    • Ilium
    • Ischium
    • Pubis
  19. Structures of the ilium
    • Iliac crest
    • anterosuperior iliac spine
  20. Ilium location and purpose
    • - superiormost aspect of the ilium
    • - serve as landmarks for skinfold measurement
  21. Anterosuperior iliac spine location and purpose
    • - anteriormost structure of the ilium
    • - serves as landmark for skinfold measurement
  22. Bones of the Thigh
    • (FP)
    • Femur
    • Patella
  23. Greater trochanter
    - most easily palpable landmark of the femur on the proximal lateral side
  24. Patella location and purpose
    • Knee bone
    • - located anterior to the knee joint, distal to the femur
    • - serves as a landmark for locating the thigh skinfold
  25. Bones of the lower leg
    • Tibia (lateral)
    • Fibual (medial)
  26. Bones of the hand
    • 29 total bones per hand;
    • 8 carpals
    • 5 metacarpals
    • 14 phalanges
    • Distal radial and ulna
  27. Bones of the foot
    • total of 26 bones per foot
    • 5 metatarsals
    • 14 phalanges
    • 5 tarsals
    • Talus
    • calcaneus
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Appendicular Skeletal System
The anatomy of the appendicular skeletal system. Includes bones and other features.