(Seddon 1st degree)
- Compression w/ local conduction block
- No structural damage
- Local demyelination
- Motor loss only (sense+auto OK)
- Prog: Good.
(Seddon 2nd degree)
- Prolonged severe compression
- Degen of axon distal to injury
- Endoneural tube intact
- Sense+Motor+Auto loss
- Prog: Good (tube is intact to guide regrowth)
(Seddon 3rd degree)
- Severance of part/all of trunk
- Endoneural tube severed
- Degen of NN
- Scar tissue @ site prevents regen
- Sense+Motor+Auto loss
- Prog: Poor (no tube to guide regen)
- Inflammation of a NN
- Affects sheath and CT, but not Axon
- Constant dull pain
- Parethesia/Dysthesia may be present
- May have Motor+Sense loss if long duration
- Causes: Trauma, chronic exposure to toxin (booze, drugs, lead), 2nd to pathology (diabetes, leprosy, TB)
- No appeciable pathological changes
- Recurrent attack of sudden pain along NN distribution
- Causes: Local compression, trauma, inflammation, scar tissue, subluxed veretebra, prolonged exposure to cold
- Severe Pain syndrome
- sudden onset
- Persistent burning
- Often due to trauma
- Often incomplete w/ arterial injury
- Cause: Bullets, surgery, injections, electrocution, amputation
- Pain syndrome
- Abnormal SNS reflex => arterial spasm
- Spontaneous burning pain distal to NN injury, out of proportion to injury
- Edema w/ dystrophic tissue
- Pain increased by RoM/emotions
- Warm+hyperemic or cool+pale
- Sweating usually increased with MM wasting
- "minor causalgia"
- Tumor composed of NN cells
- Post partial/complete severance of NN
- Random NN sprouts form random clumped masses
- Sml+compact= lesspainful
- large+soft= more painful
Regeneration rates
- Avg 10 days
- 1-2mm per day, proximal side grows faster
- Delay of 18 days to produce MM contraction
- Can cause X-innervation (+mixed NNs)
- Alcoholism/metal poisoning worsens prognosis
Deep Tendon Reflex Grading
- 0 - Absent
- 1 - Diminished
- 2 - Average (normal)
- 3 - Exaggerated
- 4 - Clonus or Very Brisk
Reflex for the Jaw
CNS Segment?
Reflex for the Biceps
CNS Segment?
Reflex for the Triceps
CNS Segment?
Reflex for the Patella
CNS Segment?
Reflex for the Achilles
CNS Segment?