Chapter 16 Section 2

  1. Who was the Northern leder at the First Battle of Bull Run?
    General Irvin Mcdowell
  2. What was McDowell's plan in the First Battle of Bull Run?
    -wanted to seize Manassas, VA to control main route to the Confederate capital
  3. Who lead the South at the First Battle of Bull Run? (3)
    • -P.G.T. Beauregard
    • -Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
    • -Joe Johnson
  4. Who won the First Battle of Bull Run?
    the South
  5. What was the importance of the First Battle of Bull Run?
    showed North and South that war could not end quickly; would be long and bloody
  6. Who lead North in Seven Days' Battle?
    General McClellan
  7. How did Lincoln respond to the Union's loss at the First Battle of Bull Run?
    • -called for 500,000 soldiers to serve for 3 years
    • -hired General McClellan as new Union Army leader in east
  8. Why did McClellan like to train and not fight?
    b/c he only liked to fight if he knew he could win
  9. What is the other name of the Union Army in the East?
    Army of the Potomac
  10. What is the other name of the Confederate Army in the east?
    Army of Northern Virginia
  11. Who gained control of southern armies in East following 1st Battle of Bull Run?
    Robert E. Lee
  12. Who lead the South in the Seven Days' Battle?
    Robert E. Lee
  13. What was the outcome of the Seven Days' Battle?
    Lee launched a series of attacks on McClellan which caused them to retreat
  14. Confederate General who helped fight Union troops at the 1st Battle of Bull Run
    Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
  15. Who lead the Union in the 2nd Battle of Bull Run?
    General John Pope
  16. Who lead the south in the 2nd Battle of Bull Run?
    General Robert E. Lee and General Jackson
  17. Who won the 2nd Battle of Bull Run?
    South won and forced Union to retreat
  18. Why did Lee decide to invade the North? (4)
    -wanted to get MD for South

    -Lee hoped an attack in North would force North to ask for peace

    -wanted to give VA's farmers a break from war to harvest crops

    -hoped a victory in north would show that south might win and help gain Eng. and France as allies
  19. Who lead North at Battle of Antietam?
    General McDowell
  20. Who lead South at Battle of Antietam?
    General Lee
  21. What was the outcome of the Battle of Antietam?
    -McClellan learned of Lee's plans and stopped his invasion giving the victory to the Union
  22. What was the Result of the Battle of Antietam? (4)
    -Lee lost 1/3 of army and retreated

    -England and France didn't take sides in war after Antietam

    -McClellan wa fired by Lincoln b/c he let Lee escape

    -Lincoln had a victory that gave him political power and credibility as wartime President
  23. ships that were heavily armored with iron
  24. Why did the Union blockade Southern ports?
    -to hurt southern economy and not be able to trade for weapons
  25. What was the south's ship in the Battle of the Ironclads?
    CSS Virginia (Merrimack)
  26. What was the Union's ship in the Battle of the Ironclads?
    USS Monitor
  27. What was the importance of the Battle of the Ironclads?
    started a revolution in Naval warfare
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Chapter 16 Section 2
Chpt. 16 Section 2