A&P Seeley 2.4

  1. Acid
    • A proton donor
    • Releases H+
  2. Base
    • A proton acceptor
    • Any substance that binds to (accepts) H+ ions is a base.
    • Many release OH-
  3. pH Scale
    Refers to the H+ concentration in a solution
  4. Neutral solution
    • pH of 7
    • Has equal concentration of H+ and OH-
  5. Acidic
    • pH less than 7
    • Has greater concentration of H+ than OH-
  6. Alkaline or Basic
    • pH greater than 7
    • Has less concentration of H+ than OH-
  7. Salt
    • Consists of a cation other than H+ and an anion other than OH-
    • Formed by the interaction of an acid and a base in which the H= of the acid are replaced by the positive ions of the base
  8. When salts dissociate in water they form…
    Positively and negatively charged ions
  9. What is a buffer?
    A solution of a conjugate acid-base pair in which the acid component and the base component occur in similar concentrations.
  10. What does a buffer do?
    Regulate body fluid pH by resisting changes in solution pH when either acids or bases are added.
  11. Important buffers found in living systems have…
    Bicarbonate, phosphates, amino acids, and proteins
  12. Conjugate base
    Everything that remains of an acid after the H+ (proton) is lost
  13. Conjugate acid
    Is formed when an H+ is transferred to the conjugate base
  14. Conjugate acid-base pair
    When two substances are related by one being a conjugate base and the other being a conjugate acid.
  15. Oxygen
    • O2
    • An inorganic molecule consisting of two oxygen atoms bound together by a double covalent bond
  16. Carbon Dioxide
    • CO2
    • Consists of one carbon atom bound to two oxygen atoms by a double covalent bond
  17. How is CO2 produced in the body?
    Organic molecules, such as glucose metabolize within the cells of the body and when the glucose breaks down the energy stored in the covalent bonds is transferred to other organic molecules and carbon dioxide is release.
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A&P Seeley 2.4
Anatomy & Physiology text, Seeley, Ch 2 The Chemical Basis of Life, part 4/7