1. FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
    The Telecom act of 1934 was the first national legislation aimed at bring order to the telecom landscape. the FCC was created to regulate interstate (State-to-state) and internationall calling.
  2. PUC (Public Utilities Commission)
    In 1935 the PUC began to regulate communications state by state basis setting intrastate (in state) rate structures.
  3. Whats the difference between Interstate and Intrastate calling?
    Interstate - State to state calling. For example, washington to oregon

    Intrastate - In state calling. For example, washington to washington (Tacoma - Olympia).
  4. RBOC Regional Bell Opperating Company
    In 1984 AT&T divested the Baby Bells or RBOCs, which completely separtated AT&T's local and long distance services. this opened the doors for competition in the long distance markets while still allowing the Bells to maintain a monopoly on local services.

    this also created a uniformed procedure of dialing 1+NPA-XXX-XXXX
    ILEC - Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier which refers primarily to the Regional Bell Operating Company.

    CLEC - Competitive Local Exchange Carrier which refers to all of those companies trying to compete against the ILECs and DLECs.

    DLEC - Data Local Exchange Carrier which refers to those that provide data services.
  6. LNP Local Number Portability
    The Telecom act of 1996 opened up the telecom industry with allowing consumers to change carriers while moving their number to the other carrier from the ILEC to the CLEC.

    For example, Verizon to AT&T or AT&T to T-Mobile, etc.
  7. What does the FCC regulate?
    Interstate callingand international calling.
  8. Which historical event created local competition?
    The Telecom Act of 1996
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MODULAR 2 History of telecom