Upper GI

  1. What is the Average weight of the adult human liver
    3-4 lbs
  2. Which abdominal quadrant contains the gallbladder?
  3. What is the name of the soft tissue structure that separates the right from the left lobe of the liver
    Falciform ligament
  4. Which lobe of the liver is larger, the right or left
  5. What are the two other lobes of the liver, in addition to the right and left
    Quadrate and Caudate
  6. True of False: The liver performs over 100 functions
  7. True or False: The average healthy adult liver produces 1 gallon, or 3000 to 4000 ml of bile per day
  8. What are the three primary functions of the gallbladder?
    • 1. Store Bile
    • 2. Concentrate Bile
    • 3. Contracts to release bile into the duodenum
  9. True or False: Concentrated levels of cholesterol in bile may lead to gallstones.
  10. What is a common site for impaction, or lodging , of gallstones
    Duodenal papilla
  11. True of False: IN about 40% of individuals, the end of the common bile duct and the end of the pancreas totally separated into two ducts rather than combining into one single passageway into the duodenum.
  12. True or False: An older term for the main pancreatic duct is the duct of Vater.
  13. The gallbladder is located more (posteriorly or anteriorly) withing the abdomen?
  14. Surgical removal of the gallbladder
  15. Enlargement or narrowing of the biliary ducts due to presence of stones
  16. Condition of having gallstones
  17. Inflammation of the gallbladder
  18. Benign or malignant tumors
  19. Narrowing of the biliary ducts
    Biliary stenosis
  20. Cholecystocholangiography: The radiographic examination of ____________
    the gallbladder and biliary ducts
  21. Which imaging modality produces cholescintigraphy?
    Nuclear medicine
  22. True or False: Acute cholecystitis may produce a thickened gallbladder wall.
  23. What are the four advantages of a gallbladder ultrasound instead of the outdated OCG procedure?
    • 1. No ionizing radiation
    • 2. Better detection of small calculi
    • 3. No contrast needed
    • 4. Less patient preparation
  24. Four accessory organs of digestion
    • Salivary Glands
    • Liver
    • Gallbladder
    • Pancrease
  25. What are the three primary functions of the digestive system?
    • Digestion of food
    • Absorption of food
    • Elimination of waster
  26. What three pairs of salivary glands are accessory organs of digestion associated with the mouth?
    • 1. Parotid
    • 2. Sublingual
    • 3.Sub-Mandibular
  27. The act of swallowing is called:
  28. Three divisions of the pharynx
    • Nasopharynx
    • Oropharynx
    • Layngopharynx
  29. What structures create the two indentations seen along the lateral borders of esophogus
    • Aortic Arch
    • Left Primary Bronchus
  30. What part of the Upper GI tract is a common site for ulcer disears
    Duodenal bulb or cap
  31. What term describes the junction between the duodenum and jejunum?
    Duodenojejunal Flexture
  32. True or False: The body of the stomach curves inferiorly and posteriorly from the fundus.
  33. The three main subdivisions of the stomach are:
    • Fundus
    • Body
    • Pyoris
  34. Another name for Mucosal folds of the stomach:
  35. True or False: Mechanical digestion includes movements of all the gastrointestinal tract
  36. Stomach contents are churned into a semi-fluid mass called
  37. A churning or mixing activity present int eh small bowel is called
    rhythmic segmentation
  38. Biologic catalyst that speed up the process of digestion are called
  39. Peristalsis is an example of which type of digestion
  40. A high and transverse stomach would be found in what type of patient?
  41. Name the two abdominal organs most dramatically affected, in relation to location, by body habitus
    • Stomach
    • Gallbladder
  42. On average, how much will abdominal organs drop in the erect position?
    1-2 inches
  43. What is the most common form of positive contrast medium used for studies of the gastrointestinal system
    Barium Sulfate
  44. Is a mixture of barium sulfate a suspension or a solution?
  45. What is the major advantage for using a double-contrast media technique for contrast media for an upper GI?
    Coats better
  46. What is the chemical symbol for Barium Sulfrate?
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Upper GI