Chapter 6 Bones and Skeletal Tissue (TB)

  1. The structure of bone tissue suits the function. Which of the following bone tissues is adapted to support weight and withstand tension stress? 

    B) compact bone
  2. Yellow bone marrow contains a large percentage of ________. 

    D) fat
  3. The cell responsible for secreting the matrix of bone is the ________. 

    A) osteoblast 
  4. What kind of tissue is the forerunner of long bones in the embryo? 

    C) hyaline cartilage
  5. In bone formation, a deficiency of growth hormone will cause ________. 

    B) decreased proliferation of the epiphyseal plate cartilage 
  6. A fracture in the shaft of a bone would be a break in the ________.

    B) diaphysis 
  7. The term diploë refers to ________. 

    B) the internal layer of spongy bone in flat bones 
  8. Select the correct statement concerning the location of blood-forming tissue.

    C) The sternum (breastbone) is a good source of blood-forming tissue.
  9. Factors in preventing (or delaying) osteoporosis include ________. 

    C) drinking fluoridated water
  10. Ossification of the ends of long bones ________. 

    C) is produced by secondary ossification centers 
  11. Cartilage is found in strategic places in the human skeleton. What is responsible for the resilience of cartilage?

    A) high water content
  12. The most abundant skeletal cartilage type is ________. 

    D) hyaline 
  13. Which of the following is (are) not the function(s) of the skeletal system? 

    B) communication
  14. The structural unit of compact bone is ________. 

    D) the osteon
  15. Bones are covered and lined by a protective tissue called periosteum. The inner (osteogenic) layer consists primarily of ________. 

    C) osteoblasts and osteoclasts
  16. The periosteum is secured to the underlying bone by dense connective tissue called ________. 

    C) Perforating (Sharpey's ) fibers 
  17. The canal that runs through the core of each osteon (the Haversian canal) is the site of ________. 

    C) blood vessels and nerve fibers
  18. The small spaces in bone tissue that are holes in which osteocytes live are called ________. 

    B) lacunae 
  19. For intramembranous ossification to take place, which of the following is necessary? 

    C) An ossification center forms in the fibrous connective tissue
  20. The process of bones increasing in width is known as ________. 

    B) appositional growth 
  21. Bones are constantly undergoing resorption for various reasons. Which of the following cells accomplishes this process? 

    B) osteoclast 
  22. Which hormone increases osteoclast activity to release more calcium ions into the bloodstream? 

    A) parathyroid hormone 
  23. Vertebrae are considered ________ bones. 

    C) irregular
  24. The universal loss of mass seen in the skeleton, which begins about the age of 40 ________. 

    B) reflects incomplete osteon formation and mineralization 
  25. A bone fracture perpendicular to the bone's axis is called a(n) ________ fracture.

    C) transverse
  26. Wolff's law is concerned with ________. 

    B) the thickness and shape of a bone being dependent on stresses placed upon it 
  27. Cranial bones develop ________. 

    D) within fibrous membranes 
  28. Which of the following glands or organs produces hormones that tend to decrease blood calcium levels? 

    A) thyroid 
  29. Osteomyelitis is ________. 

    D) due to pus-forming bacteria 
  30. Cartilage grows in two ways, appositional and interstitial. Appositional growth is ________. 

    D) the secretion of new matrix against the external face of existing cartilage 
  31. Which of the following statements best describes interstitial growth? 

    C) Chondrocytes in the lacunae divide and secrete matrix, allowing the cartilage to grow from within.
  32. In the epiphyseal plate, cartilage grows ________. 

    C) by pushing the epiphysis away from the diaphysis 
  33. Spongy bones are made up of a framework called ________. 

    D) trabeculae 
  34. Osteogenesis is the process of ________. 

    B) bone formation
  35. Lengthwise, long bone growth during infancy and youth is exclusively through ________. 

    D) interstitial growth of the epiphyseal plates 
  36. Growth of bones is controlled by a symphony of hormones. Which hormone is important for bone growth during infancy and childhood? 

    D) growth hormone 
  37. In some cases the epiphyseal plate of the long bones of children closes too early. What might be the cause? 

    B) elevated levels of sex hormones
  38. It is thought that remodeling or bone growth is in response to the forces placed on it. Which of the following hypotheses may explain how mechanical forces communicate with cells responsible for bone remodeling? 

    A) Electrical signals direct the remodeling process.
  39. Normal bone formation and growth are dependent on the adequate intake of ________. 

    B) calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D 
  40. Which fracture would be least likely in a 92-year-old? 

    C) greenstick
  41. _____________ are not one of the four cell types that populate bone tissue in adults. 

    C) Mesenchymal cells 
  42. Ostealgia is ________________. 

    C) pain in a bone
  43. What can a deficiency of growth hormone during bone formation cause?

    B) decreased proliferation of the epiphyseal plate cartilage
  44. Which of the following is a bone marking name that indicates a projection that helps to form joints?

    E) ramus
  45. Which structure allows the diaphysis of the bone to increase in length until early childhood, as well as shaping the articular surfaces?

    A) epiphyseal plate
  46. Blood cell formation is called ________.
  47. A bone embedded in a tendon is called a(n) ________ bone.
  48. A central (Haversian) canal may contain arteries, veins, capillaries, lymph vessels, and ________ fibers.
  49. A long bone forms by a process known as ________ ossification.
  50. ________ growth is growth in the diameter of long bones.
  51. ________ are multinucleated cells that destroy bone.
  52. ________ is a disease of the bone in which bone reabsorption outpaces bone deposit, leaving the person with thin and often very fragile bones.
  53. A round or oval hole through a bone that contains blood vessels and/or nerves is called a(n) ________.
  54. Hematopoiesis refers to the formation of blood cells within the red marrow cavities of certain bones. True or False
  55. Compact bone is replaced more often than spongy bone. True or False
  56. Bones are classified by whether they are weight-bearing or protective in function. True or False
  57. The periosteum is a tissue that serves only to protect the bone because it is not supplied with nerves or blood vessels. True or False
  58. Short, irregular, and flat bones have large marrow cavities in order to keep the weight of the bones light. True or False
  59. In newborn infants, the medullary cavity and all areas of spongy bone contain yellow bone marrow. True or False
  60. The structural unit of compact bone (osteon) resembles the growth rings of a tree trunk. True or False
  61. The term osteoid refers to the organic part of the matrix of compact bones. True or False
  62. Sixty-five percent of the mass of bone is a compound called hydroxyapatite. True or False
  63. All bones formed by intramembranous ossification are irregular bones. True or False
  64. An osteon contains osteocytes, lamellae, and a central canal, and is found in compact bone only. True or False
  65. The trabeculae of spongy bone are oriented toward lines of stress. True or False
  66. Bone tissue in the skeleton of a human fetus is completely formed at six months' gestation. True or False
  67. Each consecutive bone lamella has collagen fibers that wrap in alternating directions. True or False
  68. Cartilage has a flexible matrix which can accomodate mitosis of chrondrocytes. True or False
Card Set
Chapter 6 Bones and Skeletal Tissue (TB)
Biology 103A