1. What protocol is critical for IP Phone operation?
  2. What file does the IP Phone first request from TFTP during the startup and registration process? 
  3. what file is sent by TFTP to the IP Phone is there is not a specific file to send.  (default)
  4. Which of the following statements are true?

    a. SCCP phone config files contain all setings, including date/time and softkey assignments.

    b. SIP phone config files are much larger than SCCP phone config files.

    c. SCCP phone config files are exactly the same as SIP phone config files.

    d. SIP phone config files are smaller than SCCP config files because of the limited feature set of SIP phones.

    SIP files are larger than SCCP. 
  5. Which of the following is true of DHCP in CUCM?

    a. the DHCP server capability is no longer available as of CUCM v8.x.

    b. the DHCP service is a basic capability intended for supporting up to 1000 IP Phones.

    c. DHCP is mandatory for IP phones.

    d. CUCM supports the proprietary IP address assignment protocol called LLDP.

    C is false because DHCP on CUCM is not mandatory.  DHCP dan reside on a different server, and is recommended for large deployments. 
  6. Which of the following is not a device pool setting?

    a. CUCM group

    b. Local Route Group

    c. Region

    d. Common Phone Profile
  7. Bob asks you to provide a third DN button and a BLF speed dial for the Auto Parts Desks's 12 7965 IP Phones.  What is the best choice?

    a. Modify the standard User Softkey Templade.

    b. Copy the Standard User Softkey Template, name it PartsDesk, and add the requested features.

    c. Copy the Standard 7965 SCCP Phone button template, name it PartsDesk, and add the requested features.

    d. It is not possible to add a third DN and BLF speed dial to to a 7965 Phone.
  8. Pete learned that he can add his own speed dials, subscribe to the phone services, and other useful things.  He says he can't do these things. Why not?

    a. The Active Directory GPO is limiting Pete's permissions.

    b. Pete's account needs to be associated with his phone in the Device Associations setings in his User Config page.

    c. Additional licensing is required to support User Web Page functionality.

    d. Pete must be part of the CCM Super Users Group to make these changes.
  9. Angie changes her Windows domain login, but notices that her password for her User Web Page in CUCM has not changed.  Which of the following is true?

    a. LDAP sync has not been configured.

    b. Cisco Unified Services for WIndows Domains has not been configured.

    c. Angie must wait 24 hours for the password to sync.

    d. LDAP Authentication has not been configured.
  10. Which of the following is NOT true of LDAP sync.

    a. Application User accounts are configured only in LDAP and are replicated to CUCM.

    b. End User accounts and passwords are replicated to CUCM.

    c. LDAP check the user accounts in CUCM and replicates only those that also exist in LDAP.

    d. End User accounts that exist in LDAP are replicated to CUCM, unless the LDAP sn attribute is blank. 
  11. Whick is true of LDAP Synchronization Agreements?

    a. The User Search Base defines the point in the tree where CUCM begins searching.  CUCM can search all branches below that point.

    b.  The User Search Base defines the point in the tree where CUCM begins searching.  CUCM can search all branches above and below that point.

    c. The User Search Base must specify the root of the domain; LDAP Custom Filters must be used to limit the search returns.

    d. All Sync Agreements must run on a regular scheduled basis.

    e. Only one Synch agreement can be made with a single LDAP system.
  12. Detail the IP Phone registration process.
    • 1. Phone obtains power, (POE or brick)
    • 2. phone loads locally stored firmware image
    • 3. phone learns of Voice VLAN ID via CDP from the switch
    • 4. Whone uses DHCP to get an IP address, SNM, Default GW and Option 150 (TFTP server IP address)
    • 5. Phone gets config file SEP<mac_add>.cnf.xml file from TFTP server.
    • 6. Phone registers with primary CUCM server listed in its config file.  CUCM sends softkey template to the phone using SCCP messages.
  13. What is different about phone registration between SCCP and SIP signaling?
    During registration, SEP file contains CUCM server, TCP Ports for SCCP signaling and firmware version.  SCCP signaling then sends DNs, softkeys and speed dial info. 

    SIP sends all that info in the SEP file.  SIP has no extra signaling to send the DNs and Speed dials so the SIP files are larger than SCCP.
  14. What are the required Configuration elements in CUCM for IP Phones? 

    Book lists 12.
    • Device pool - common attributes, (call center)
    • Cisco Unified CM Group - Subscribers list
    • Region - Codec for that region
    • Location - controls bandwidth
    • Date/Time - time zone
    • Phone NTP Reference -
    • Device Defaults
    • Softkey Template
    • Phone Button Template
    • SIP Profile
    • Phone Security Profile
    • Common Phone Profile
  15. What are the 4 ways to add phones in CUCM?
    • Manual config
    • Autoregistration
    • Bulk Admin Tool (BAT)
    • Auto Register Phone Tool (TAPS)
  16. What is required for a user to be able to use the User Web Pages to customize their phone?
    It is required to associate the user with the Device.
  17. What is the difference between an End User and an Application User?
    End Users must type a username and password in a login screen.

    Application Users is an application that sends authentication info inline with a request to read or write info to a system.  (Third party billing)
  18. Why use LDAP sync or authorization?
    It makes administration easier, Users, passwords, etc don't have to be maintained  in two seperate databases.
  19. What is LDAP sync?
    Some but not all user data is maintained in LDAP and replicated to CUCM.  LDAP user attributes become read only in CUCM. 

    CUCM used DirSync to perform LDAP sync.

    *** with LDAP sync, user passwords are still maintained in the CUCM database.  This can cause confusion.
  20. What is LDAP authorization? 
    This redirects password authentication to LDAP providing single sign-on. 
  21. What is the one user attribute that must be mapped to a LDAP field for integration to occur. 
    CUCM UserID   mapped to LDAP:

    • (one of the following)
    • sAMAccountName
    • uid
    • mail
    • Telephone Number
  22. How many admin web interfaces (pages) does CUCM provide?

    CLI is not a web interface
  23. What 2 accounts are created an install?
    • platform admin  (CMPlatformAdmin) – DRS and OS and CLI pages
    • application admin (CMMasterAdmin)  - CUCM admin, Unified Serviceability, Unified reporting ,
  24. Define roles and groups relationship for administration.
    • Users are asigned to a Group, Groups are assigned a role. 
    • Roles drive what privledges are assigned to the user (thru the group).
  25. What are the 3 privledges?
    • No Access
    • Read
    • Update (think execute)
  26. How many roles are defined by default in CUCM 8.0?
  27. How many default Groups are there?
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CH 8-9