Week 1-2

  1. Many things we do today in healthcare are from this time?
    Middle eastern culture

    • China
    • Palestine
    • India
  2. Early Roman Christianity
    Nursing as we think of it today began to develop.

    There is a strong relationship between religion and nursing

  3. What is the Nursing Dark Ages?
    • Several non-monastic orders were developed in Europe.

    • Many Catholic monasteries were destroyed
    • during the rise of Protestantism.

    • Barbers, without medical training, were
    • performing surgeries and medical treatment.

    Protestants established hospitals.

  4. Florence Nightingale attended school there.

    • established training for private duty nurses in England and, in 1840 some of the nurses
    • would accompany Florence Nightingale to the CRIMEAN war.
  6. Doctor Elizabeth Blackwell
    • established the first U.S. nursing training school in New York in 1857. She was known as the first United
    • States Woman to Receive her M.D.

  7. Dorthea Dix

    Known for her work with the mentally ill.

    Not a Nurse. Her work began after the civil war.

  8. Community Health
    • Community Health Nursing was established in
    • the United States and England.

  9. Clara Barton

    • organized the American Red Cross. Earlier, at the age of forty she had given care to the
    • wounded and ill soldiers during the Civil War.

    She was well thought of and was referred to as the “ Angel of the Battlefield “.

    • She was so loved by the soldiers that many of them went home from the war and named
    • children after her.

  10. Nurse Association Alumnae of United States and Canada
    • This was the precursor to the American Nurses Association.

  11. Mary Nutting
    • Expanded Nurses training to three years. This met with much opposition. Mary also is
    • credited with shortening the workdays for nurses.

  12. Isabel Hampton Robb
    • was a school teacher but changed to a Nurse and trained in New York. She Authored a Nursing Textbook that became a standard book for Nursing schools in America
  13. Where was Florence Nightngale born
    • In Florence Italy in 1820

  14. Where was the Crimean war fought and with who
    • The Crimean war was fought in Turkey (England, France and Turkey against Russia.)
  15. What is Florence credited with
    • Florence is credited with decreasing the death rate from 42% to 2% by simply giving humane care and using soap, water and clean linen.

  16. Mary Seacole

    • was a black Jamaican nurse who worked alongside Florence Nightingale.
  17. Who established the Florence Nightingale fund
    The British government so that an institute of training nursing could be established.

    Her focus was on Nursing Education!
  18. Florence belief system
    nursing is a art and science

    education is fundalmntal

  19. Seven Philosophical Assumptions of Florence Nightingale
    • 1. Natural Laws
    • 2. Nursing is a calling
    • 3. Nursing is an art and a science
    • 4. Nursing is achieved through environmental alterations
    • 5. Nursing is distinct and separate from medicine
    • 6. Environment
    • 7. Person
  20. Dr Blackwwell
    Dr Blackwell school of nursing (1857) had very little in common with Florence Nightingale's. This was the time period where they took advantage of nursing students cheap labor.
  21. Florence Nightingale Pledge
    First used in 1893 with graduates from a school in Detroit, Michigan.

    Still used today.
  22. Florence Nightingale is Known for:
    •Caring for the soldiers in the Crimean war.

    •Emphasis on Cleanliness.

    • •Developing an educational model for training
    • nurses worldwide.

    • •A statistician and conducting nursing
    • research.
  23. At what age did Florence die

    died in 1910 at the age of 90.
Card Set
Week 1-2
The history of nursing