
  1. Confederate
    • [kənˈfedərit]
    • n.(南部)邦联
    • A supporter of the American Confederacy 美国邦联的支持者
    • A member of a confederacy; an ally.同盟者
  2. offensive
    • [əˈfensiv]
    • n.进攻
    • n. 进攻,攻势
    • adj. 讨厌的,无礼的,攻击性的
  3. assail
    • [əˈseil]
    • v.攻击
    • vt. 攻击,攻讦,质问
  4. crest
    • [krest]
    • n.顶峰
    • n. 鸟冠,顶峰,浪头
  5. brigade
    • [briˈgeid]
    • n.旅
    • n. 旅,队
  6. assault
    • [əˈsɔːlt]
    • n.进攻
    • 进攻,袭击
  7. work
    • [wəːk]
    • n.(防御)工事
    • A fortified structure, such as a trench or fortress. 防御工事
  8. storm
    • [stɔːm]
    • v.猛袭
    • v. To assault, capture, or captivate by storm.See Synonyms at attack 猛袭
    • n. A violent, sudden attack on a fortified place. 猛袭
  9. entrenchment
    • [inˈtrentʃmənt]
    • n. 战壕
  10. enfilade
    • [ˌenfiˈleid]
    • v.用炮火扫射
    • To rake with gunfire.
  11. flank
    • [flæŋk]
    • n.侧翼
    • he section of flesh on the body of a person or an animal between the last rib and the hip; the side.
  12. artillery
    • [aːˈtiləri]
    • n.大炮
    • 大炮,炮兵部队
  13. rear
    • [riə]
    • n.后面
    • A hind part. 后面
  14. open upon
    • [əupen əpɔn]
    • 朝向
  15. gallant
    • [ˈgælənt]
    • adj.英勇的
    • 豪侠的, 华丽的
    • 对妇女献殷勤的
  16. brigade
    • [briˈgeid]
    • n.旅
    • n. 旅, 队
  17. regiment
    • [ˈredʒimənt]
    • n.团
  18. ranks
    • [ræŋks]
    • n.军队人员
    • Personnel, especially enlisted military personnel
  19. deplete
    • [diˈpliːt]
    • v.耗尽
    • vt. 耗尽,消灭,使衰竭
  20. undiminish
    • [ʌn diˈminiʃ]
    • v. 未减少
    • v. 未(使)减少,未(使)减损
  21. check
    • [tʃek]
    • v.抑制
    • 中断,抑制
  22. repulse
    • [riˈpʌls]
    • v.击退
  23. severe
    • [siˈviə]
    • 猛烈的
  24. remnant
    • [ˈremnənt]
    • n.残余
    • n. 残余,零料,残迹
  25. press
    • [pres]
    • v.推进
    • To advance or carry on vigorously 竭力推行或执行
  26. pace
    • [peis]
    • n.步
    • 一步A unit of length equal to 30 inches (0.76 meter)
  27. counter charge
    • [ˈkauntə tʃaːdʒ]
    • 反控诉,反攻
  28. strenuous
    • [ˈstrenjuəs]
    • 艰巨的
    • 热烈的
  29. exceed in
    • [ikˈsiːd in]
    • v. 在...方面超过
  30. hurl
    • [həːl]
    • v.猛投
    • vt. 用力投掷,丢下
  31. presume
    • [priˈzjuːm]
    • v.以为
  32. in obedience to
    • [in əˈbiːdjəns tuː]
    • 遵照,依照
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English Textbook Vocabulary with Chinese translation