
  1. recollection
    • [ˌrekəˈlekʃən]
    • n.记忆
    • 记忆,往事memory
  2. private
    • [ˈpraivit]
    • n.Pvt,二等兵
    • A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Army or Marine Corps that is below private first class.
  3. chill
    • [tʃil]
    • n.寒气
  4. valor
    • [ˈvælə]
    • n.英勇
    • Courage and boldness, as in battle; bravery.
  5. court
    • [kɔːt]
    • v.求爱
    • n. 法院,庭院
    • 朝廷,宫庭
    • 球场,奉承
    • 求爱,殷勤
  6. tremor
    • [ˈtremə]
    • n. 战栗,抖颤
    • 颤动
  7. convulse
    • [kənˈvʌls]
    • vt.使抽搐
    • 使狂躁不安
  8. system
    • [ˈsistəm]
    • n.身体系统
    • The human body regarded as a functional physiological unit.
  9. thump
    • [θʌmp]
    • v. 重击
  10. muffle
    • [ˈmʌfl]
    • v.蒙住,包
    • v. To wrap upas in a blanket or shawlfor warmthprotectionor secrecy.
  11. knob
    • [nɔb]
    • n.圆形把手
  12. peculiarity
    • [piˌkjuːliˈæriti]
    • n.特点(征, 色, 质),要点
    • 特别 A notable or distinctive feature or characteristic
  13. myth
    • [miθ]
    • n.虚构,传说,神话
  14. enlist
    • [inˈlist]
    • v.入伍,应募
    • v.intr To enter the armed forces.
    • v.tr. 征募
  15. put it off
    • [put it ɔf]
    • v. 推迟,拖延
    • ,搪塞
    • 使分心,使厌恶
    • 扔掉,脱掉
    • 劝阻
  16. fluctuation
    • [ˌflʌktjuˈeiʃən]
    • n. 起伏,波动
  17. faint-hearted
    • [feint ]
    • 胆小的,怯懦的
    • adj. Deficient in conviction or courage; timid.
    • faint 黯淡的,昏晕的
  18. flannel
    • [ˈflænl]
    • n.法兰绒
    • adj. 法兰绒的
  19. forage
    • [ˈfɔridʒ]
    • n.寻食,饲料
    • v. 寻食,翻寻,搜掠
  20. ungainly
    • [ʌnˈgeinli]
    • adj.难看的
    • awkward 不优雅的;难看的
  21. pasteboard
    • [ˈpeistbɔːd]
    • n.纸板
  22. visor
    • [ˈvaizə ˈvi-]
    • n.帽舌
    • 汽车遮阳板,面盔
  23. blouse
    • [blaus]
    • n.美军服的短衣
    • The service coat or tunic worn by the members of some branches of the U.S. armed forces.
    • 宽松短衫
  24. decent
    • [ˈdiːsnt]
    • adj.得体的
    • Characterized by conformity to recognized standards of propriety or morality.
  25. overcoat
    • [ˈəuvəkəut]
    • n.大衣
    • A heavy coat worn over ordinary clothing in cold weather.
  26. nubbin
    • [ˈnʌbin]
    • n.玉米发育不良穗
    • n. A small stunted ear of corn. 玉蜀黍发育不良的穗。 小瘤,小片
  27. preponderance
    • [priˈpɔndərəns]
    • n. 优势
  28. husk
    • [hʌsk]
    • n.玉米棒的皮(叶)
    • The outer membranous or green envelope of some fruits or seeds, as that of a walnut or an ear of corn.
    • 果壳
  29. pomp
    • [pɔmp]
    • n.盛况
    • splendor壮丽景观,盛况
    • display炫耀
  30. on account of
    • [ɔn əˈkaunt əf]
    • adv. 由于
  31. deem
    • [diːm]
    • v.认为
    • To have as an opinion主张
  32. due
    • [djuː]
    • n.应得的东西
    • n.Something owed or deserved
  33. face
    • [feis]
    • v.朝向
  34. drill-master
    • [dril ˈmaːstə]
    • n.教官
  35. fussy
    • [ˈfʌsi]
    • adj.过分琐碎的
    • Full of superfluous details充满不相干细节的
    • Paying great or excessive attention to personal tastes and appearance; fastidious过分装饰的
  36. regimental
    • [ˌredʒiˈmentl]
    • n.<编制> 团
  37. evolution
    • [ˌiːvəˈluːʃən,evə-]
    • n.演变
    • development ,发展
  38. musket
    • [ˈmʌskit]
    • n.火枪
    • A smoothbore shoulder gun used from the late 16th through the 18th century.
  39. resign
    • [riˈzain]
    • v.放弃
    • To give up放弃,辞去
  40. ornamental
    • [ˌɔːnəˈmentl]
    • 装饰性的
  41. over and over
    • [əuvə ænd əuvə]
    • adv. 反复再三
  42. address
    • [əˈdres]
    • v.提交,呈送
    • To direct (a spoken or written message) to the attention of
  43. corporal
    • [ˈkɔːpərəl]
    • n.下士
    • adj. 肉体的,身体的
  44. oblique
    • [əˈbliːk]
    • v.成45度角
    • 斜的
  45. raw
    • [rɔː]
    • adj.无经验的
    • Untrained and inexperienced:生疏的,无经验的
  46. recruit
    • [riˈkruːt]
    • n.新兵
    • A newly engaged member of a military force, especially one of the lowest rank or grade.
  47. knee-high
    • [ˈniːˈhai]
    • adj.齐膝高的
  48. spectator
    • [spekˈteitə]
    • n.观众
    • n. 观众(指比赛或表演)
  49. green
    • [griːn]
    • adj.青涩的
    • 青涩的,无经验的
  50. assent
    • [əˈsent]
    • n.赞成
    • 赞成,同意
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English Textbook Vocabulary with Chinese translation