
  1. heartily
    • [ˈhaːtili]
    • 衷心地,热忱地
  2. act up to
    • [ækt ʌp tuː]
    • v. 按...办事,实践
  3. amount
    • [əˈmaunt]
    • vi. (to) 总计,等于
  4. at best
    • [æt best]
    • adv. 最多
  5. expedient
    • [iksˈpiːdiənt]
    • n.权宜之计
    • ;应急的手段
    • Something contrived or used to meet an urgent need. makeshift
  6. inexpedient
    • [ˌiniksˈpiːdiənt,-djənt]
    • 不适宜的,失策的;不明智的
    • Not expedient; inadvisable
  7. standing
    • [ˈstændiŋ]
    • 常备的
    • Remaining in force or use indefinitely
    • Permanent and unchanging; fixed固定的
  8. a standing army
    • [ə ˈstændiŋ aːmi]
    • 常备军
  9. liable
    • [ˈlaiəbl]
    • 有可能的
    • Often used with reference to an unfavorable outcome
  10. pervert
    • [pə(ː)ˈvəːt]
    • v.滥用,误用
    • To put to a wrong or improper use; misuse.
    • To cause to turn away from what is right,proper,or good; corrupt. 使堕落
  11. outset
    • [ˈautset]
    • n.开端
  12. measure
    • [ˈmeʒə]
    • n.法案
    • A legislative bill or enactment.
  13. unimpaired
    • [ˈʌnimˈpɛəd]
    • 未被削弱的
  14. integrity
    • [inˈtegriti]
    • n.(道德)完整
    • Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical
  15. vitality
    • [vaiˈtæliti]
    • n.活力,生命力
  16. machinery
    • [məˈʃiːnəri]
    • n.机器,机构
  17. din
    • [din]
    • n.喧嚣
  18. impose
    • [imˈpəuz]
    • v.强加,欺骗
  19. enterprise
    • [ˈentəpraiz]
    • n.进取心
    • Willingness to undertake new ventures; initiative
  20. alacrity
    • [əˈlækriti]
    • n.渴望
    • ; 敏捷,轻快
    • Cheerful willingness; eagerness.
  21. fain
    • [fein]
    • 欣然,乐意地
    • Preferably; rather.
  22. India rubber
    • [ˈindiə ˈrʌbə]
    • 弹性橡皮,天然橡胶
  23. mischievous
    • [ˈmistʃivəs]
    • 恶作剧的,惹麻烦的
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English Textbook Vocabulary with Chinese translation