
  1. cordial
    • [ˈkɔːdʒəl]
    • n.兴奋饮料;滋补饮料
    • A stimulant; a tonic
  2. exhilaration
    • [igˌziləˈreiʃən]
    • n.振奋,令人兴奋
    • The state of being stimulated,refreshed,or elated。
  3. common
    • [ˈkɔmən]
    • n.共有地
    • A tract of land,usually in a centrally located spot,belonging to or used by a community as a whole
  4. brink
    • [briŋk]
    • n.(峭岸、崖的)边缘
    • The upper edge of a steep or vertical slope
  5. slough
    • [slau]
    • n.蜕皮
    • The dead outer skin shed by a reptile or an amphibian.
  6. soever
    • [səuˈevə]
    • adv.无论,不管
    • At all; in any way
  7. perpetual
    • [pəˈpetjuəl]
    • 永远的
    • Lasting for eternity.
  8. decorum
    • [diˈkɔːrəm]
    • n.彬彬有礼
    • 正派得体适当
    • Appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety.
  9. sanctity
    • [ˈsæŋktiti]
    • n.圣洁
    • Holiness of life or disposition; saintliness.
  10. reign
    • [rein]
    • n.主宰
    • Dominance or widespread influence.
  11. perennial
    • [pəˈrenjəl]
    • 四季不断的,终年的
    • ,年年的,长期的
  12. befall
    • [biˈfɔːl]
    • v.降临
    • To come to pass; happen.
  13. disgrace
    • [disˈgreis]
    • n.丢脸,耻辱
    • Loss of honor,respect,or reputation; shame.
  14. blithe
    • [blaið]
    • 无忧无虑的,轻松的
    • Carefree and lighthearted.
  15. mean
    • [miːn]
    • 自私小气的,卑鄙的
  16. egotism
    • [ˈiːgətiz(ə)m]
    • n.自我中心,自大
  17. circulate
    • [ˈsəːkjuleit]
    • v.循环
    • To move in or flow through a circle or circuit
  18. accidental
    • [ˌæksiˈdentl]
    • 非本质的,次要的
    • A property,a factor,or an attribute that is not essential.
  19. trifle
    • [ˈtraifl]
    • n.琐事
    • Something of little importance or value.
  20. immortal
    • [iˈmɔːtl]
    • 永恒的,不朽的
    • Never to be forgotten; everlasting
  21. connate
    • [ˈkɔneit]
    • 意气相投的,合生的
    • Being in close accord or sympathy; congenial
  22. delight
    • [diˈlait]
    • n.喜悦
    • Great pleasure; joy
  23. minister
    • [ˈministə]
    • v.给予分发
    • To attend to the wants and needs of others
  24. occult
    • [ɔˈkʌlt]
    • 神秘的,超自然的
  25. bough
    • [bau]
    • n.树干
    • A tree branch,especially a large or main branch.
  26. attire
    • [əˈtaiə]
    • n.服装,盛装;服饰
    • Clothing or array; apparel.
  27. nymph
    • [nimf]
    • n.宁芙女神
    • Roman Mythology Any of numerous minor deities represented as beautiful maidens inhabiting and sometimes personifying features of nature such as trees,waters,and mountains.
    • A girl,especially a beautiful one. 美女
  28. melancholy
    • [ˈmelənkəli]
    • n.忧郁
    • Sadness or depression of the spirits; gloom
  29. contempt
    • [kənˈtempt]
    • n.轻视,藐视
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English Textbook Vocabulary with Chinese translation