
  1. sublime
    • [səˈblaim]
    • 宏伟的,敬畏的
    • Inspiring awe; impressive.
  2. manner
    • [ˈmænə]
    • n.方式,举止
    • method
    • bearing,礼仪,风俗,风格,种类多种
  3. Niagara
    • [naiˈægərə]
    • n.激流或洪水
    • n.A torrent or flood 急流,洪水
  4. Yosemite
    • [jəuˈsemiti]
    • n.A National Park in California
  5. pluck
    • [plʌg]
    • v.拔,采,摘
    • To remove or detach by grasping and pulling abruptly with the fingers; pick
  6. labyrinth
    • [ˈlæbərinθ]
    • n.迷宫,错综复杂
  7. plateau
    • [ˈplætəu]
    • n.高原
  8. drain
    • [drein]
    • v.排出,流掉
  9. dissect
    • [diˈsekt]
    • v.解剖,剖析
  10. excavate
    • [ˈekskəveit]
    • v. 挖掘,开凿
    • ,挖出,挖空
  11. intermittent
    • [ˌintəˈmitənt]
    • 间歇的,断断续续的
  12. erosion
    • [iˈrəuʒən]
    • n. 腐蚀,侵蚀
    • The group of natural processes,including weathering,dissolution,abrasion,corrosion,and transportation,by which material is worn away from the earth's surface.
  13. superior
    • [sjuːˈpiəriə]
    • 较多的
    • Greater in number or amount than another
    • n. 长者,上级,上标字
    • adj. 较高的,上级的,上好的,高傲的
  14. degrade
    • [diˈgreid]
    • v.侵蚀
    • Geology To lower or wear by erosion or weathering.
    • v. (使)降级,(使)堕落,(使)退化
  15. district
    • [ˈdistrikt]
    • n.地区,区域
    • ;行政区
  16. hurl
    • [həːl]
    • v.投掷,丢下
    • ,愤慨地说出,,推翻
    • vi. 猛投,猛掷
  17. rill
    • [ril]
    • n.细流
    • A small brook; a rivulet.
  18. brow
    • [brau]
    • n. 眉毛,额
    • ,(面部)表情
  19. upheave
    • [ʌpˈhiːv]
    • v.举起,推上
    • To lift forcefully from beneath; heave upward. 从底下猛力地提起;向上提升
    • v.intr. To be lifted or thrust upward. 被提起或被向上抛起
  20. fashion
    • [ˈfæʃən]
    • v.形成,造
    • To give shape or form to
    • n. 流行,风尚,样子,方式
  21. deck
    • [dek]
    • v.打扮
    • To clothe with finery; adorn. Often used with out
    • To decorate装饰
    • n. 甲板,平台,露台,行车道,一副(纸牌)
  22. carve out
    • [kaːv aut]
    • 雕刻,开拓
    • 创业
  23. sublime
    • [səˈblaim]
    • n.高尚的东西
    • An ultimate example.极端的典型
  24. gneiss
    • [nais]
    • n.片麻岩
    • A banded or foliated metamorphic rock,usually of the same composition as granite.
  25. variegated
    • [ˈvɛərigeitid]
    • 杂色的,斑驳的
  26. quartzite
    • [ˈkwɔːtsait]
    • n. 石英岩,硅岩
  27. alcove
    • [ˈælkəuv]
    • n. 凹室
    • ,壁橱,<古>凉亭,避暑别墅
  28. sandstone
    • [ˈsændstəun]
    • n. 沙岩
    • A sedimentary rock formed by the consolidation and compaction of sand and held together by a natural cement,such as silica
  29. banded
    • [bændid]
    • 有带的,有条子的
  30. entablature
    • [enˈtæblətʃə]
    • n.柱顶盘
    • The upper section of a classical building,resting on the columns and constituting the architrave,frieze,and cornice.
    • 柱顶盘,上横梁
    • 一座古典的建筑的上部,置于柱体之上,由柱式过梁、雕带和挑檐三部分组成
  31. limestone
    • [ˈlaimstəun]
    • n. 石灰石
    • lime:莱檬,石灰
  32. graduate into
    • ['grædjueit]
    • v. 渐渐变为
  33. demarcation
    • [ˌdiːmaːˈkeiʃən]
    • n. 划分,分界线
  34. firmament
    • [ˈfəːməmənt]
    • n. 苍穹,天空
    • The vault or expanse of the heavens; the sky.
  35. facade
    • [fəˈsaːd]
    • n.(建筑)正面
    • n. the front of a building,esp. an imposing or decorative one
  36. empyrean
    • [ˌempaiˈriən]
    • n.九天,最高天
    • The highest reaches of heaven,believed by the ancients to be a realm of pure fire or light.天堂
  37. errand
    • [ˈerənd]
    • n.使命,差事
    • mission,purpose
  38. assemblage
    • [əˈsemblidʒ]
    • n. 聚会
    • A collection of people or things; a gathering.
    • assembling 聚集,装配
  39. fare
    • [fɛə]
    • v. 行进
    • To travel or go
    • To get along
    • To dine; eat.
    • n. 费用,旅客,食物
  40. breast
    • [brest]
    • n. 胸怀,胸膛
    • The seat of affection and emotion
    • 乳房
  41. cling
    • [kliŋ]
    • v.紧贴,附着
    • To remain close; resist separation
    • adhere
    • hold on 坚持(意见),墨守(习惯)
  42. lend
    • [lend]
    • v. 贡献;给予
    • To contribute or impart
    • give or allow the use of temporarily 借给,贷(款)
  43. tax
    • [tæks]
    • v.负重担
    • 加以过分的要求,使负重担,耗费
  44. illustration
    • [ˌiləˈstreiʃən]
    • n.插图,图解
    • 说明,例证
  45. multifarious
    • [ˌmʌltiˈfɛəriəs]
    • 多种多样的
    • Having great variety; diverse,versatile
  46. diverse
    • [daiˈvəːs]
    • 不同的,变化多的
  47. Cyclopean
    • [ˌsaikləˈpiən]
    • 巨大的,巨石式的
    • Cyclops: 独眼巨人
  48. wrought
    • [rɔːt]
    • P. of work
    • A past tense and a past participle of work
  49. multitudinous
    • [ˌmʌltiˈtjuːdinəs]
    • 大量的,群集的
    • Very numerous; existing in great numbers
  50. tracery
    • [ˈtreisəri]
    • n.装饰线条
    • Ornamental work of interlaced and branching lines,especially the lacy openwork in a Gothic window.
  51. poplar
    • [ˈpɔplə]
    • n.白杨
  52. beech
    • [biːtʃ]
    • n.山毛榉
  53. linden
    • [ˈlindən]
    • n.菩提树,椴树
  54. hawthorn
    • [ˈhɔːθɔːn]
    • n.山楂
  55. tulip
    • [ˈtjuːlip]
    • n.郁金香
  56. lily
    • [ˈlili]
    • n.百合
  57. fern
    • [fəːn]
    • n.蕨
  58. moss
    • [mɔs]
    • n.苔藓
  59. lichen
    • [ˈlaikən]
    • n.地衣,青苔
    • 为硬壳状或枝叉状
  60. rival
    • [ˈraivəl]
    • v. 竞争,对抗,相匹敌
    • n. 竞争者,对手
  61. replete
    • [riˈpliːt]
    • 充满的
    • adj. Abundantly supplied; abounding
  62. perpetual
    • [pəˈpetjuəl]
    • adj. 永久的
  63. swell
    • [ˈswel]
    • v.涨水
    • To rise or extend above the surrounding level ,扩散,(飞溅)
    • To increase in size or volume as a result of internal pressure; expand. 膨胀,扩张
  64. fade away
    • [feid]
    • 慢慢消失
  65. murmur
    • [ˈməːmə]
    • n.低语
  66. lateral
    • [ˈlætərəl]
    • 侧面的
    • Of,relating to,or situated at or on the side.
    • Of or constituting a change within an organization or a hierarchy to a position at a similar level:横向的 平级的
  67. plunge
    • [plʌndʒ]
    • v.投入,跳进
    • vi. To fall or throw oneself into ,陷入
    • vt. 使投入,使插入,使陷入
    • n. 投入
  68. rapid
    • [ˈræpid]
    • n.急流,湍滩
    • An extremely fast-moving part of a river,caused by a steep descent in the riverbed. Often used in the plural.
  69. leap
    • [liːp]
    • v.跳跃
    • To spring or bound upward from or as if from the ground; jump
  70. cataract
    • [ˈkætərækt]
    • n.奔流
    • ,大瀑布
    • A large or high waterfall.
    • A great downpour; a deluge
    • Opacity of the lens or capsule of the eye,causing impairment of vision or blindness. 白内障
  71. swell
    • [swel]
    • v.升起,扩散
  72. billow
    • [ˈbiləu]
    • v.翻腾
    • v. To surge or roll in billows
    • n. A large wave or swell of water 巨浪
  73. ripple
    • [ˈripl]
    • v.起波纹,起伏前进
    • v. To form or display little undulations or waves on the surface,as disturbed water does.
    • n. A small wave 波纹
  74. adamant
    • [ˈædəmənt]
    • adj. 坚硬的
    • n. 硬石
  75. harp
    • [haːp]
    • n. 竖琴
    • vi. 弹奏竖琴,喋喋不休
  76. unrivaled
    • [ʌnˈraivəld]
    • 无敌的
    • Having no rival or equal; incomparable
    • 没有敌手或对手的
  77. vie
    • [vai]
    • v.竞争,较量
  78. diapason
    • [ˌdaiəˈpeisn]
    • n.整个音域
    • A full,rich outpouring of harmonious sound 全协和音
    • The entire range of an instrument or voice.
  79. tinkle
    • [ˈtiŋkl]
    • v.清脆丁当作响
  80. fountain
    • [ˈfauntin]
    • n.泉源
    • A spring,especially the source of a stream.
    • A soda fountain 饮柜
    • A point of origin or dissemination; a source:源头
  81. suffice
    • [səˈfais]
    • vi.足够,有能力
    • To be equal to a specified task; be capable
  82. instant
    • [ˈinstənt]
    • n.瞬间,顷刻
    • moment
  83. labyrinth
    • [ˈlæbərinθ]
    • n.迷宫
  84. hither
    • [ˈhiðə]
    • 附近的,临近的
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English Textbook Vocabulary with Chinese translation