
  1. dial
    • [ˈdaiəl]
    • n.sundial日晷
    • sundial:An instrument that indicates local apparent solar time by the shadow cast by a central projecting pointer on a surrounding calibrated dial
  2. pain
    • [pein]
    • n.辛苦,努力
    • Great care or effort
  3. number
    • [ˈnʌmbə]
    • n.一期,一册
    • One item in a group or series considered to be in numerical order
  4. unbecoming
    • [ˈʌnbikʌmiŋ]
    • 不恰当的,不得体的
    • Not appropriate,attractive,or flattering; improper
  5. forwardness
    • [ˈfɔwədnis]
    • n.提前
    • 卤莽,早熟
  6. undertaking
    • [ˌʌndərˈteikiŋ]
    • n.许诺,任务
  7. backwardness
    • [ˈbækwədnis]
    • n.落后,逆向
  8. circle
    • [ˈsəːkl]
    • n.循环,周期
    • A group of people sharing an interest,activity,or achievement. 圈子,…界
  9. project
    • [ˈprɔdʒekt]
    • v.筹划
    • plan
  10. yield
    • [jiːld]
    • v.屈服
    • To give over possession of,as in deference or defeat; surrender.,投降
  11. withstand
    • [wiðˈstænd]
    • v.顶住
    • past tenseːwithstood
  12. importunity
    • [ˌimpɔːˈtjuːniti]
    • n.迫切的要求
    • an insistent or pressing demand
  13. peculiar
    • [piˈkuːljə]
    • 独特的
    • special or unique
  14. reprobate
    • [ˈreprəubeit]
    • v.谴责
    • condemn. 不赞同;谴责
  15. rigor
    • [ˈrigə]
    • n.严厉,苛刻,严格
    • Strictness or severity
  16. convention
    • [kənˈvenʃən]
    • n.惯例,习俗
  17. renounce
    • [riˈnauns]
    • v.放弃
    • To give up
    • 拒绝,否认
    • To reject; disown.
  18. reproach
    • [riˈprəutʃ]
    • v.责备
  19. vow
    • [vau]
    • n.誓言
    • An earnest promise
  20. profound
    • [prəˈfaund]
    • 深刻的,深邃的,深奥的
  21. suffer
    • [ˈsʌfə]
    • v.允许
    • To permit; allow
  22. plain
    • [plein]
    • n.简朴,简单
    • no decoration,simple
  23. vantage
    • [ˈvaːntidʒ]
    • n.优势,优越
  24. command
    • [kəˈmaːnd]
    • v.控制,支配
    • To exercise dominating,authoritative influence over
  25. converse
    • [kənˈvəːs]
    • v.交谈
    • To engage in a spoken exchange of thoughts,ideas,or feelings
  26. remark
    • [riˈmaːk]
    • vt. 谈及,评论
  27. badge
    • [bædʒ]
    • n.徽章,证章
  28. acolyte
    • [ˈækəˌlait]
    • n.助手,随从
  29. hereditary
    • [hiˈreditəri]
    • 世袭的,遗传的
  30. pomp
    • [pɔmp]
    • n.盛况,炫耀,浮华
  31. trumpet
    • [ˈtrʌmpit]
    • n.小号,喇叭,号角
  32. solitude
    • [ˈsɔliˌtjuːd]
    • n.单独,孤独,独自
  33. servitude
    • [ˈsəːvitjuːd]
    • n.奴役,束缚
  34. compunction
    • [kəmˈpuŋkʃən]
    • n.良心责备,内疚
  35. privation
    • [praiˈveiʃən]
    • n.穷困,缺乏,丧失
  36. trudge
    • [trʌdʒ]
    • v.跋涉
    • 沉重吃力地行走
  37. drudge
    • [drʌdʒ]
    • v.干苦力,做苦工
  38. hireling
    • [ˈhaiəliŋ]
    • n.苦力,佣工
    • especially a person willing to perform for a fee tasks considered menial or offensive.
  39. rudiment
    • [ˈruːdimənt]
    • n.入门,初步
    • A fundamental element,principle,or skill,as of a field of learning.
  40. pittance
    • [ˈpitəns]
    • n.微薄的薪俸
  41. matron
    • [ˈmeitrən]
    • n.少妇,夫人
    • A married woman or a widow,especially a mother of dignity,mature age,and established social position.
  42. concert
    • [ˈkɔnsət]
    • n.协调一致,音乐会
  43. adherence
    • [ædˈhiərəns]
    • n.忠诚,坚持
    • ,粘着
  44. calling
    • [ˈkɔːliŋ]
    • n.职业
    • 行业,事业
  45. contingent
    • [kənˈtindʒənt]
    • 潜在的
  46. antidote
    • [ˈæntidəut]
    • n.解药;矫正方法
    • 对抗手段
  47. shame
    • [ʃeim]
    • v.羞愧
    • To disgrace by surpassing,使相形见拙
  48. imprison
    • [imˈprizn]
    • v.束缚,禁锢
    • To put in or as if in prison; confine.
  49. uplift
    • [ʌpˈlift]
    • v.提高,振奋
    • raise; elevate
  50. intellectual
    • [ˌintiˈlektjuəl]
    • 智力的,知性的
  51. contemplation
    • [ˌkɔntemˈpleiʃən]
    • n.专注;沉思
  52. lifelike
    • [ˈlaiflaik]
    • 逼真的
  53. impulse
    • [ˈimpʌls]
    • n.冲量,推进力
  54. proscribe
    • [prəuˈskraib]
    • v.禁止,谴责
  55. supersede
    • [ˌsjuːpəˈsiːd]
    • v.接替,取代
    • replace
  56. forgo
    • [fɔːˈgəu]
    • v.弃绝,放弃
    • To abstain from; relinquish
  57. brow
    • [brau]
    • n.眉脊,眉毛
    • 前额,(面部)表情
  58. wrinkle
    • [ˈriŋkl]
    • n. 皱纹,v. 皱折
    • A line or crease in the skin,as from age.
  59. circumspection
    • [ˌsəːkəmˈspekʃən]
    • n.小心,谨慎
    • prudence
  60. serene
    • [siˈriːn]
    • 平静的,睛朗的
    • Serene 尊贵的
  61. naught
    • [ˈnɔːt]
    • n.零,无
    • Nonexistence; nothingness,zero
  62. reiterate
    • [riːˈitəreit]
    • v.重申
    • To say or do again or repeatedly; repeat
  63. proposition
    • [ˌprɔpəˈziʃən]
    • n.主张,主题
    • subject
    • 命题statement,提议proposal
  64. desultory
    • [ˈdesəltəri]
    • 杂乱的 不连贯的
    • Moving or jumping from one thing to another; disconnected
  65. melancholy
    • [ˈmelənkəli]
    • n.忧郁
    • Sadness or depression of the spirits; gloom
  66. speculative
    • [ˈspekjulətiv,-leit-]
    • 推导的,推断的
  67. gravely
    • [greivli]
    • 黯淡的
  68. ecliptic
    • [iˈkliptik]
    • n.(天)黄道
  69. sap
    • [sæp]
    • n.树液,体液
  70. multiply
    • [mʌltipli]
    • v.增加数量
    • 繁殖,乘,增加
  71. discourse
    • [disˈkɔːs]
    • v.交谈
  72. portfolio
    • [pɔːtˈfəuljəu]
    • n.分页夹,公文包,
    • 投资组合,一组投资
  73. recess
    • [riˈses]
    • n.幽深处
    • Often recesses A remote,secret,or secluded place.
  74. withdraw
    • [wiðˈdrɔː]
    • v.收回,提款,撤销
  75. inappeasable
    • [ˌinəˈpiːzəbl]
    • 难满足的
    • 难平息的
  76. confession
    • [kənˈfeʃən]
    • n.忏悔,供认
  77. aught
    • [ɔːt]
    • n.零
    • ,任何事物
  78. fervid
    • [ˈfəːvid]
    • 热情的;炽热的
  79. Pietist
    • [ˈpaiətist]
    • n.虔信派教徒
  80. impart
    • [imˈpaːt]
    • v.透露,告知
    • To make known; disclose
    • To grant a share of; bestow
    • 分给;授予
  81. diligent
    • [ˈdilidʒənt]
    • 勤奋的,下苦功的
    • Marked by persevering,painstaking effort.
  82. din
    • [din]
    • n.喧嚣
    • v. 絮絮不休地说,喧闹
  83. mourner
    • [ˈmɔːnə]
    • n.悲伤者,哀悼者
    • 忏悔者
  84. polemics
    • [pɔˈlemiks]
    • n.争辩
    • ,辩论法
  85. abide
    • [əˈbaid]
    • v.坚持,遵守
    • vt.
    • 忍受,容忍
  86. gnomon
    • [ˈnəumɔn]
    • n.日晷仪
    • An object,such as the style of a sundial,that projects a shadow used as an indicator.
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English Textbook Vocabulary with Chinese translation