
  1. straggle
    • [ˈstrægl]
    • v.游荡,闲逛
  2. extricate
    • [ˈekstrikeit]
    • v.解救,解脱
    • To release from an entanglement or difficulty; disengage.
  3. cot
    • [kɔt]
    • n.帆布床
  4. intersperse
    • [ˌintə(ː)ˈspəːs]
    • v.散布,点缀
    • To distribute among other things at intervals
  5. compact
    • [ˈkɔmpækt]
    • v. 凑紧,塞满
  6. superb
    • [sjuːˈpəːb]
    • 威严的,壮丽的
  7. scale
    • [skeil]
    • n.规模
    • A relative level or degree
  8. stable
    • [ˈsteibl]
    • n.厩,棚圈
    • A building for the shelter and feeding of domestic animals,especially horses and cattle.
  9. parlor
    • [ˈpaːlə]
    • n.客厅
  10. chamber
    • [ˈtʃeimbə]
    • n.卧室,房间,室,厅,穴
    • 议事厅
    • A hall for the meetings of a legislative or other assembly.
  11. ague
    • [ˈeigjuː]
    • n.发冷寒颤
  12. cords
    • [kɔːdz]
    • n.灯芯绒布,趟绒
  13. expend
    • [iksˈpend]
    • v.消耗,花费
    • spend; consume
  14. recourse
    • [rikɔːs]
    • n.求援,求助
    • One that is turned or applied to for aid or security
  15. grate
    • [greit]
    • n.壁炉.
    • 格栅.
  16. habitable
    • [ˈhæbitəbl]
    • 可居住的
  17. without
    • [wiðˈaut]
    • 在外部
  18. plaster
    • [plaːstə]
    • v.涂灰泥
    • 贴膏药
  19. levee
    • [levi]
    • n.接见,招待会
    • A reception held,as by royalty,upon arising from bed.
    • 早晨接见
    • A formal reception,as at a royal court.
    • 正式招待会,例如在皇宫举行的
    • n.
    • 防洪堤,码头,大堤
    • v.
    • 筑防洪堤于
  20. oval
    • [ˈəuvəl]
    • 卵形的
  21. crimson
    • [ˈkrimzn]
    • n.深红色.
  22. haunch
    • [hɔːntʃ]
    • n.腰腿
    • The loin and leg of a four-footed animal
  23. venison
    • [ˈvenizn]
    • n.野味,鹿肉
Card Set
English Textbook Vocabulary with Chinese translation