HRCP Unit 5

  1. What 4 major federal laws protect the rights of labor unions?
    • Federal Anti-Injunction (Norris-LaGuardia) Act (1932)
    • National Labor Relations (Wagner Act) (1935)
    • Labor Management Relations (Taft-Hartley) Act (1947)
    • Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure (Landrum-Griffin) Act (1959)
  2. During the 1800s, what 4 major tactics were used against unions?
    • the conspiracy doctrine,
    • court injunctions,
    • yellow-dog contracts, and
    • antitrust statutes.
  3. In 1936, four of the most threatening activities to collective bargaining were:
    • industrial espionage,
    • attacks on union leaders,
    • strike-breaking tactics, and
    • the formation of company unions.
  4. TheTaft-Hartley Act amendments to the NLRA concern 4 basic issues:
    • 1)unfair labor practices by unions,
    • 2) the rights of employees as individuals,
    • 3)the rights of employers, and
    • 4) national emergency strikes.
  5. The Landum-Griffith Act focuses on 5 major areas:
    • a) a bill of rights for union members,
    • b) reports to the Secretary of Labor,
    • c) union trusteeships,
    • d) conduct of union elections, and
    • e) financial safeguards.
  6. Laborunions have 3 major levelsof formal organizational structure:
    • the local union,
    • the national union or international union, and
    • the federation of unions.
  7. A Business Representative of a local union:
    Performs a crucial role in contract negotiations, in grievance proceedings, and in managing the local union headquarters. Works full time for the local union.
  8. National Labor Relations Board
    Established by Congress through the Wagner Act. The purpose of the NLRB is to protect the rights of employees, employers, unions, and the general public. To protect these rights, the NLRB performs 2 major functions: conducting representation elections and resolving unfair labor practices.
  9. Excelsior rule
    Requires that within 7 days after the Regional Director has approved a consent-election the employer must file an election eligibility list, containing the names and addresses of all the eligible voters. The list is then forwarded to the union or petitioning party.
  10. Decertification vs Deauthorization of unions
    • When employees vote to decertify their union, it ceases to be their bargaining agent and the employees cease to pay union dues. 
    • Deauthorization provides a means for union members to hold union officials accountable for their leadership. In a deauthorization election, the employees do not remove the union as their bargaining agent, but they can withhold paying union dues.
  11. When the NLRB finds an employer or union guilty of unfair labor practices, it has the authority to remedy the problem. 3 of its most common remedies include
    • ordering the guilty party to bargain in good faith,
    • reinstating employees who have been terminated, and
    • issuing cease and desist orders.
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HRCP Unit 5
Unit 5