
  1. fair
    • [fɛə]
    • 较好的,晴朗的
    • Moderately good; mildly satisfying;impartial;gathering
  2. cross
    • [krɔs]
    • 逆(风)的,相反的
    • Contrary or counter; opposing
  3. fierce
    • [fiəs]
    • 凶猛的,猛烈的
    • violent,terrible
  4. work
    • [wəːk]
    • n.(工程)结构
    • Engineering structures;Internal mechanism
  5. leaky
    • [ˈliːki]
    • 泄漏的
  6. beam
    • [biːm]
    • n.船梁,梁
    • transverse structural member of a ship's frame;breadth
    • Propulsion by sail generally consists of a sail hoisted on an erect mast supported by stays and spars and controlled by ropes.
  7. crack
    • [kræk]
    • v.断裂,裂缝
    • To break or snap apart; fissure
  8. chief
    • [tʃiːf]
    • n.首领,长官
    • leader,officer
  9. perceive
    • [pəˈsiːv]
    • v.察觉,感知
    • aware through any of the senses
  10. mariner
    • [ˈmærinə]
    • n.海员
  11. insufficiency
    • [ˌinsəˈfiʃənsi]
    • n.机能不全
  12. mutter
    • [ˈmʌtə]
    • v.嘀咕
    • speak indistinctly in low tones;grumble morosely
  13. in time
    • [in taim]
    • adv.及时
  14. consultation
    • [ˌkɔsəlˈteiʃən]
    • n.磋商,会诊
    • A conference at which advice is given or views are exchanged
  15. desperate
    • [ˈdespərit]
    • 绝望的
    • Reckless; despairing
  16. inevitable
    • [inˈevitəbl]
    • 不可避免的
    • unavoidable,certain,predictable
  17. peril
    • [ˈperil]
    • n.危险
  18. distraction
    • [disˈtrækʃən]
    • n.分心
    • confliction,diverting
  19. fain
    • [fein]
    • 被迫的
    • Obliged or required
  20. loath
    • [ləuθ]
    • 不情愿的
  21. hazard
    • [ˈhæzəd]
    • v.冒...的危险,斗胆
  22. desperately
    • [ˈdespərit]
    • 拚死地,绝望地
    • as a last resort
  23. affirm
    • [aˈfəːm]
    • v.肯定
    • assert
  24. buckle
    • [ˈbʌkl]
    • v.扣住
    • To fasten with a clasp
  25. carpenter
    • [ˈkaːpəntə]
    • n.木匠,木工
  26. master
    • [ˈmaːstə]
    • n.技工,师傅
    • expert
  27. post
    • [pəust]
    • n.柱,杆
    • A support for a beam in the framework of a building.
  28. otherwise
    • [ˈʌðərˌwaiz]
    • adv.在其他方面
    • In other respects
  29. bound
    • [baund]
    • P. of bind绑,缚
    • Past tense and past participle of bind
  30. caulk
    • [kɔːk]
    • v.填...以防漏
    • make (a boat) watertight by packing seams
  31. staunch
    • [stɔːn(t)ʃ]
    • 坚实的
    • strong or substantial
  32. commit
    • [kəˈmit]
    • v.把...交托给
    • entrust;consign
  33. resolve
    • [riˈzɔlv]
    • v.决心,决定
    • decide;analyze
  34. sundry
    • [ˈsʌndri]
    • 各响种各样的
    • Various,miscellaneous
  35. knot
    • [nɔt]
    • n.节(速度单位)
  36. hull
    • [hʌl]
    • n.船壳,船体
  37. divers
    • [ˈdaivəz]
    • 种种的
    • several,sundry.
  38. lusty
    • [ˈlʌsti]
    • 精力旺盛的,欲望的
    • Full of vigor or vitality; robust.
  39. upon some occasion
    • [əˈkeiʒən]
    • 有时
  40. grating
    • [ˈgreitiŋ]
    • n.格栅
    • A grill or network of bars set in a window or door or used as a partition
  41. halyard
    • [ˈhæljəd]
    • n.吊索,升降索
    • A rope used to raise or lower a sail,flag,or yard.
  42. fathom
    • [ˈfæðəm]
    • n.长度单位(1.83米)
    • 6 feet (1.83 meters)
  43. haul
    • [hɔːl]
    • v.曳或牵
  44. brim
    • [brim]
    • n.边沿,边缘
    • rim or uppermost edge
  45. profitable
    • [ˌprɔfiˈtəbl]
    • 有利润的,有用的
  46. commonwealth
    • [ˈkɔmənwelθ]
    • n.公共福利,国民整体
    • commonweal,国家
  47. draw near
    • [drɔː niə]
    • v.临近
  48. fall
    • [fɔːl]
    • v.停留
    • come to rest; settle
  49. deliberation
    • [diˌlibəˈreiʃən]
    • n.商议
    • Discussion and consideration of all sides of an issue
  50. not a little
    • [nɔt ə ˈlitl]
    • much,very
  51. tack
    • [tæk]
    • v.抢风调向
    • change the direction or course of a vessel
  52. course
    • [kɔːs]
    • n.道路
  53. shoal
    • [ʃəul]
    • n.浅滩,沙洲
    • shallow place;sandbank or sandbar
  54. entangle
    • [inˈtæŋgl]
    • v.缠住,卷入
    • To twist together or entwine into a confusing mass; snarl.
  55. therewith
    • [ðɜəˈwiθ]
    • adv.立即
    • Immediately
  56. conceive
    • [kənˈsiːv]
    • v.认为,理解
    • understand,think
  57. shrink
    • [ʃriŋk]
    • v.收缩,缩短
    • reduce
  58. withal
    • [wiˈðɔːl]
    • adv. 此外,而且
    • In addition; besides
  59. bear
    • [bɛə]
    • v.行进
    • proceed; forge
  60. overtake
    • [ˈəuvəˈteik]
    • v.赶上
    • catch up with
  61. providence
    • [ˈprɔvidəns]
    • n.天意,上帝的意志
    • divine direction;foresight
  62. rid
    • [rid]
    • v.摆脱,免除
    • free使摆脱,解除,免除
  63. fell upon their knees
    • [fel əˈpɔn ðɛə niːz]
    • v.跪
  64. furious
    • [ˈfjuəriəs]
    • 狂怒的,狂暴的
    • raging,fierce
  65. thereof
    • [ðɛərˈɔf]
    • adv.及其,关于它的
    • Of it.
  66. element
    • [ˈelimənt]
    • n.适宜的环境
    • An environment naturally suited to or associated with an individual
  67. lamentable
    • [ˈlæməntəbl]
    • 不幸的,悲惨的
    • pathetic
  68. scurvy
    • [ˈskəːvi]
    • v.坏血病
    • A disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C,characterized by spongy and bleeding gums,bleeding under the skin,and extreme weakness.
  69. inaccommodate
    • [əˈkɔmədeit]
    • v.不适应
    • unsuitable,inadaptable
  70. foresaid
    • [ˈfɔːˌsed]
    • 上述的,前述的
    • Aforesaid
  71. odd
    • [ɔd]
    • 挂零的
    • in excess of the indicated number
  72. scarce
    • [skɛəs]
    • 不足的
  73. distress
    • [disˈtres]
    • n.忧虑,不适
    • being trouble/needy:mental suffering,physical discomfort/deterioration
  74. sound
    • [saund]
    • 健全的
    • healthy
  75. commendation
    • [ˌkɔmenˈdeiʃən]
    • n.称赞
    • praise
  76. spare
    • [spɛə]
    • v.吝惜,节约
    • give,afford
  77. abundance
    • [əˈbʌndəns]
    • n.充裕,大量,丰富
    • A great amount
  78. toil
    • [tɔil]
    • n.辛苦
    • To labor continuously; work strenuously.
  79. hazard
    • [ˈhæzəd]
    • n.冒险,危险
    • danger
  80. dress
    • [dres]
    • v.收拾,弄净(鱼禽)
    • clean (fish or fowl)
  81. homely
    • [ˈhəumli]
    • 家常的
    • home life
  82. offices
    • [ˈɔfis]
    • n.帮忙
    • beneficial act
    • n.厨房,洗衣处

    • dainty
    • [deinti]
    • 讲究的,挑剔的
    • fastidious
  83. queasy
    • [ˈkwiːzi]
    • 容易呕吐的
    • nauseated
  84. endure
    • [inˈdjuə]
    • v.容忍
    • bear,undergo
  85. name
    • [neim]
    • v.提及,点名
    • to mention
  86. grudging
    • [ˈgrʌdʒiŋ]
    • 不愿的,勉强的
    • being reluctant to give
  87. brethren
    • [breðrən]
    • n.同胞
    • A plural of brother
  88. reverend
    • [ˈrevərənd]
    • 值得尊重的
    • of profound awe and respect and often love
  89. beholden
    • [biˈhəuldən]
    • 欠人情的,感激的
    • Owing something; indebted.
  90. low
    • [ləu]
    • 衰弱的
    • Lacking strength or vigor; weak.
  91. uphold
    • [ʌpˈhəuld]
    • v.支持,撑起
    • support
  92. calamity
    • [kəˈlæmiti]
    • n.灾难,不幸
  93. lameness
    • [leimnis]
    • n.跛,残废
    • Disabled on walking
  94. general
    • [ˈdʒenərəl]
    • 普遍的,流行的
    • prevalent
  95. visitation
    • [ˌviziˈteiʃən]
    • n.天罚,天谴,(上帝)视察
    • A visit of punishment or affliction or of comfort and blessing regarded as being ordained by God.
  96. whilst
    • [wailst]
    • 当...的时候
    • while
  97. wanting
    • [ˈwɔntiŋ]
    • 不在的,缺少的
    • Absent; lacking
  98. recompense
    • ['rekəmpəns]
    • n.报偿
    • compensation
  99. passage
    • [ˈpæsidʒ]
    • n.一段,一节
    • segment
  100. haste
    • [heist]
    • v.匆忙
    • hurry
  101. boatswain
    • [ˈbəutswein]
    • n.水手长
    • petty officer in charge of a ship's rigging,anchors,cables,and deck crew
  102. quartermaster
    • [kwɔːtəmaːstə(r)]
    • n.舵工
    • petty officer responsible for the navigation of a ship
  103. send for
    • [send fɔː]
    • 召唤,派人去拿
  104. homeward bound
    • [ˈhəumwəd baund]
    • 返航的
    • Headed,act overeagerly
  105. carriage
    • [ˈkæridʒ]
    • n.车厢
    • (there was far another kind of carriage)
  106. boon
    • [buːn]
    • 快活的
    • Convivial; jolly
    • A benefit bestowed,especially one bestowed in response to a request恩惠
  107. jollity
    • [ˈdʒɔliti]
    • n.欢庆,欢闹
    • Convivial merriment or celebration
  108. welfare
    • [ˈwelfɛə]
    • n.安康,幸福
    • happiness,and good fortune
  109. desert
    • [diˈzəːt]
    • v.遗弃,逃跑
    • To leave empty or alone; abandon放弃,遗弃,逃跑
  110. lie by
    • [lai bai]
    • 躺在...边上
  111. relent
    • [riˈlent]
    • v.变温和
    • lenient,compassionate,or forgiving
  112. scoff
    • [skɔf]
    • v.mock嘲弄,讥笑
  113. abuse
    • [əˈbjuːz]
    • v.伤害
    • ,虐待
    • To hurt or injure
  114. deed
    • [diːd]
    • n.action行为
  115. indeed
    • [inˈdiːd]
    • 真正地,毫无疑问地
    • in fact,in reality
  116. anon
    • [əˈnɔn]
    • adv. 不久,很快
    • later,soon
  117. weary
    • [ˈwiəri]
    • 不耐烦的,厌倦的
    • Having one's interest,forbearance,or indulgence worn out
  118. mess
    • [mes]
    • n.份,道(食物)
  119. rogue
    • [rəug]
    • n.无赖
    • An unprincipled,deceitful,and unreliable person; a scoundrel or rascal
  120. cozen
    • [ˈkʌzn]
    • v.蒙骗
    • To mislead by means of a petty trick or fraud,deceive
  121. skulk
    • [skʌlk]
    • v.偷偷摸摸
    • To lie in hiding; To move about stealthily偷偷摸摸 -> scalp
  122. aloof
    • [əˈluːf]
    • 游离地
    • At a distance but within view; apart.
  123. certain
    • [ˈsəːtən]
    • 有信心的
    • Having or showing confidence; assured
  124. boldly
    • [bəuld]
    • 大胆地,显眼地
  125. marvel
    • [ˈmaːvəl]
    • v.惊异于
    • To feel amazement or bewilderment at
  126. at lengh
    • [æt leŋθ]
    • adv.最后
  127. discourse
    • [disˈkɔːs]
    • v.交谈;对话
    • Verbal exchange
  128. acquaint
    • [əˈkweint]
    • v.使熟悉,了解
    • To make familiar
  129. sachem
    • [ˈseitʃəm]
    • n.酋长
  130. aforesaid
    • [əˈfɔːsed]
    • 上述的
  131. confederate
    • [kənˈfedərit]
    • n.同盟者,同盟国
  132. procure
    • [prəˈkjuə]
    • v.获得
    • To get by special effort; obtain or acquire
  133. commodity
    • [kəˈmɔditi]
    • n.大宗商品(农,矿)
    • Something useful that can be turned to commercial or other advantage;An article of trade or commerce,especially an agricultural or mining product,that can be transported.
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English Textbook Vocabulary with Chinese translation