
  1. thistle
    • [ˈθisl]
    • n.(植)蓟
  2. transact
    • [trænˈzækt,-ˈsækt]
    • v.做,执行
  3. disposition
    • [dispəˈziʃən]
    • n.意向,倾向
    • A habitual inclination; a tendency
  4. obedient
    • [əˈbiːdjənt,-diənt]
    • 服从的
  5. ascend
    • [əˈsend]
    • v.上升
  6. pierce
    • [piəs]
    • v.刺入,刺穿
    • To cut or pass through with or as if with a sharp instrument; stab or penetrate.
  7. allies
    • [ˈælaiz]
    • n.联盟,同盟
  8. council
    • [ˈkaunsəl]
    • n.委员会,会议
  9. cousin
    • [kʌzn]
    • n.亲属,亲戚
  10. dwell
    • [dwel]
    • v.居住
    • To live as a resident; reside.
  11. maize
    • [meiz]
    • n.玉米
    • corn
  12. medicinal herbs
    • [meˈdisinəl]
    • n.药草,草药
    • Of,relating to,or having the properties of medicine.
  13. pelt
    • [pelt]
    • n.生皮,毛皮
    • The skin of an animal with the fur or hair still on it.
  14. trivial
    • [ˈtriviəl]
    • 琐碎的
    • Of little significance or value.
  15. wampum
    • [ˈwɔmpəm]
    • n.贝壳念珠
  16. constitute
    • [ˈkɔnstitjuːt]
    • v.构成,等同于
    • To amount to; equal
  17. pledge
    • [pledʒ]
    • v.誓言,抵押
  18. commence
    • [kəˈmens]
    • v.开始,起动
    • To begin; start.
  19. behold
    • [biˈhəuld]
    • v.见到,视为
  20. sacred
    • [ˈseikrid]
    • 庄严的,神圣的
  21. emblem
    • [ˈembləm]
    • n.象征,标志
  22. antler
    • [ˈæntlə]
    • n.鹿茸
  23. proof
    • [pruːf]
    • 不能透入的,防...的
    • adj. Fully or successfully resistant; impervious
  24. yearning
    • [ˈjəːniŋ]
    • n.向往
  25. firmness
    • [ˈfəːmnis]
    • n.坚定,稳固
  26. temper
    • [ˈtempə]
    • v.调和,缓合,调整
    • To modify by the addition of a moderating element; moderate
  27. deliberation
    • [diˈlibəreiʃən]
    • n.熟思
    • Thoughtfulness in decision or action
  28. oblivion
    • [əˈbliviən]
    • n.遗忘
    • total forgetfulness
  29. chide
    • [tʃaid]
    • v.训斥,责怪
    • To scold mildly so as to correct or improve; reprimand
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English Textbook Vocabulary with Chinese translation.