World Civ Midterm

  1. Aztec
    • Around (1160 CE)
    • Claimed relationship to Toltec
    • War God Huitzilopochi
    • Placed selves under protection of Culhua
    • Human Sacrifice
  2. Maya
    • 1800 BCE fully Mayan settlements
    • Ancestors seem to have moved to Yucutan in 2600 BCE
    • Had writing, sophisticated numerical system
    • Hydraulics
    • Spread to Belize and Guatamala
    • Chichen Itza
  3. Moche
    • 300 BCE
    • built empire based on military conquest in N. Andes
    • wide population
    • Built pyramids
    • metalworking and ceramics
    • Sacrifice: decapitate prisoners and keep heads
  4. Olmec
    • 1200-500 BCE
    • maybe disappeared due to violence
    • name means "rubber people" b/c of a game
    • stratified society
  5. Arawak
    • 1200 CE
    • sometimes called Taino
    • decended from island of Saladoid
    • antogonists were CARIBS
    • first met Columbus
    • most likely peaceful people
  6. Zapotec
    • 850 BCE
    • ruled by violence
    • sophisticated astronomy
    • created SUPER CITY "Teo..."
  7. jade
    • used in carvings
    • used for trade
  8. Carib
    • 1400 CE
    • enemy of Arawaks
    • stole women
    • cannibals- though only ritualistically
  9. Hernan Cortes
    • 1518
    • Died of Syphillis!
    • Conquistador from Spain
    • totally ass-raped the natives-Moctezuma
    • defeated Aztecs by 1520
  10. Teotihuacán
    • 200 BCE
    • Super City of Zapotecs
    • LARGE metrop.
    • pyramids, apartments, very advanced city
  11. Inca
    • 1470 CE
    • stratified
    • Emperor of Sun/Empress of Moon
    • Gold and Silver tombs
    • CHILDREN were scarificed
    • conquered in 1532
  12. Chris. Columbus
    • 1492
  13. Toltec
    • 900/980 CE
    • People from Tula
    • held sway for 300 yrs
    • PROLIFIC legends-demi-god son of leader left but promised to return
    • many people claim relationship to TOLTEC
  14. steel
    • Cortes' advantage
    • allowed quick dispatch of natives
  15. Tenochtitlán
    • a Nahua altepetl (city-state) located on an island in Lake Texcoco, in the Valley of Mexico.
    • Founded in 1325, it became the seat of the growing Aztec empire in the 15th century, until captured by the Spanish in 1521.
    • the ruins of Tenochtitlan are located in the central part of Mexico City.
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World Civ Midterm
World Civ Midterm