Test 1.4

  1. The lungs are _____ to the heart.

    C. lateral
  2. Which of the following is a characteristic of a covalent bond?

    D. electrons are shared
  3. The molecule made by mitochondria that provides the power to the cell is:

    D. ATP
  4. What is the layer of skin that we can see?

    D. the epidermis
  5. _____ are molecules that speed up the rate of biological reactions.

    A. enzymes
  6. Unique molecules found on the outer surface of cell membranes are called:

    A. antigens
  7. The study of physiology deals with:

    a. disease
    b. genetics
    c. structures
    d. functions
  8. Which microorganisms have the ability to become part of the cell and is then much harder to destroy?

    C. viruses
  9. The study of disease is known as:

    C. pathophysiology
  10. In rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system attacks the:

    B. synovial membrane
  11. The process of cleaning debris and waste from the cell is carried out by:

    B. lysosomes
  12. The body uses feedback loops to maintain homeostasis.  The response that opposes an action is known as a(n):

    B. negative feedback loop
  13. The adjustments that maintain a stable environment within the body are known as:

    D. homeostasis
  14. The movement of water from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher concentration through a membrane is called:

    D. osmosis
  15. The most important molecules for making the cell membrane selectively permeable are:

    C. phospholipids
  16. The cause of a disease is called its:

    B. etiology
  17. _____ is a type of connective tissue that has cells in lacunae in a gel-like matrix.

    B. Cartilage
  18. The building blocks of proteins are:

    A. amino acids
  19. Which type of muscle lines the blood vessels and airways of the body?

    A. smooth
  20. The opposite of superficial is:

    D. deep
  21. What is the degree of burn in which all three layers of skin have been destroyed and the victim feels no pain?

    B. third
  22. Maintaining the proper acid-base balance of the blood is carried out by which body system?

    A. respiratory
  23. The molecule that is stored in the liver to be used for extra energy is:

    B. Glycogen
  24. Balance is the responsibility of which sensory organ?

    A. the ear
  25. What is the first step in wound healing?

    C. Inflammation
  26. Cells that are arranged in several layers are called _____ cells.

    A. stratified
  27. A lack of the ability of the body to carry oxygen may be due to a deficiency in:

    D. iron
  28. Getting a flu shot to protect against the flu is an example of:

    B. artificial active immunity
  29. The body has both physical and chemical _____ to prevent invaders from entering.

    A. barriers
  30. The skeletal system includes all but which of the following:

    D. all of the above are included in the skeletal system
  31. _____ is a high-energy molecule that is made and spent by cells during metabolism.

    C. ATP
  32. A body in the prone position is:

    C. face down
  33. Which membrane is the largest organ of the integumentary system?

    A. cutaneous
  34. In a person with diabetes, blood may often become acidic.  What blood pH might you expect in a person with untreated diabetes?

    B. 6.0
  35. "Power plants" of the cell are called:

    A. mitochondria
  36. The type of tissue that covers the body and lines many of the parts of the body is:

    D. epithelial
  37. It is because of adaptive _____ that people normally get chicken pox only once.

    D. immunity
  38. Dorsal cavities contain which organ(s)?

    C. the brain and spinal cord
  39. Directional terms are used as _____ within the body.

    D. reference points
  40. Positive feedback is necessary in which of the following situations?

    A. childbirth
  41. Which of the following is an example of active transport?

    C. a sodium-potassium pump
  42. The production of blood cells occurs within which body system?

    D. skeletal
  43. In a solution, the _____ is dissolved in the _____.

    A. solute, solvent
  44. Glycogen is a polysaccharide made of long chains of glucose.  Glucose is a:

    C. monosaccharide
  45. The midsagittal plane divides the body into which parts?

    B. right and left
  46. In addition to storage of white blood cells, the lymphatic system is also responsible for the:

    D. production of some types of white blood cells
  47. _____ are short, hair-like projections found on the outer surface of specific cells.

    D. Cilia
  48. An organism that produces disease is known as a(n):

    B. pathogen
  49. Glucose is transported through the cell membrane by a process called:

    B. facilitated diffusion
  50. Which test gives the greatest detail of tissue structures?

    D. MRI
Card Set
Test 1.4
Test 1.4 - A&P, Chemistry, Integumentary, Lymphatic, Cells & Tissue, Organ systems