
  1. Bacterio-cidal
    • Any drug that permanently changes the micro-organism which kills it.
    • Works by three different mechanisms:
    • 1- Prevents substrate formation required for cell wall synthesis
    • 2- Causes changes in permiability of bacterial cell wall (poke holes)
    • 3- Inhibit the most important enzyme in the process of DNA/RNA synthesis and metabolism
  2. Bacterio-static
    • Any drug that temporarily changes the micro-organism which stops it.
    • Act on ribosomal subunits to reversibly inhibit protein
    • or, Prevent growth of bacterial cells by altering metabolism
  3. Narrow spectrum
    Active against only a few micro-orgamnisms
  4. Broad spectrum
    Active against a wide variety of micro-organisms
  5. Common aspects of animicrobial care
    • Cutlture before giving the first dose of meds
    • Watch for any signs of an allergic reaction
    • Watch for superbugs that are resistnant to med therapy
    • Watch for N/V/D, ciff and other GI complications
    • Don't kill the host, consider ABX as kidney killers
    • some are ototoxic and damage the hearing
  6. Drug Drug interactions
    • Warfarin - increases bleeding
    • Reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives
  7. Cillins
    • Have the greatest effect on gram+ bacteria
    • Kills bacteria by weakening the cell wall
    • Used commonly as first line treatment - broad spectrum
    • Clavulanate increases efficacy - beta-lactamase resistant
  8. Cephalosporins
    • Primary use for gram- bacteria infections
    • Classified by 1 of 4 generations of sporins
    • Gen 1= gram+ no CSF
    • Gen 4= gram- and can enter CSF
  9. What has a synergistic effect with cillins?
Card Set
Renal and anti infective meds