Bio 3105 - Two Component Signalling in Bacteria

  1. Name the Indicated Regions
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    • A - Hook
    • B - Flagella Fillament
    • C - Stator
    • D - Rotor
  2. How do Bacteria change direction?
    By quickly changing direction of rotation of the flagella
  3. How does Bacteria Move away from a repellant?
    By tumbling (Briefly Rotating Flagells Clockwise).
  4. How does the Tumbling Signal work (In the case of a repellent)?
    • By Going another WAY
    • Repellant -> Chemottaxis Receptor -> CheW Binding (Adaptor) -> Phosphorylated CheA (Histidine Kinase) -> Activates CheY -> Motor Rotation.
  5. What is CheY?
    It is a Response Regulator, controlling the motor.
  6. How is the "tumbling" response deactivated?
    CheZ is a phosphatase that deactivates CheY.
  7. What is one way a system can mediate Receptor Sensitivity?
    Methylation (Desensitizes)
  8. What is Two Component Signalling?
    Response to a Stimulus using a Receptor (Often Histidine Kinase) and a Response Regulator
  9. How do Plants respond to Ethylene Concentrations?
    Absence of Ethylene -> Activation of Receptor -> Autophosphorylation (Histidine Kinase) -> MAP Phosphorylation Cascase -> CTR1 -> Ubiquitinization of EIN3 Regulatory Protein -> Inactive Gene
  10. What is CTR-1?
    A Control Module
  11. What is the product of Ethylene in plant signalling?
    Inactive Receptor -> Gene Transcription -> Ethylene Response Proteins
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Bio 3105 - Two Component Signalling in Bacteria