
  1. The ______ of matter relates to the kinds of elements it contains.
  2. What are the 3 states of matter
    • 1. Gas
    • 2. Liquid
    • 3. Solid
  3. What state of matter has no shape & no volume?
  4. What state of matter has definit volume & takesthe shape of its container?
  5. What state of matter has definit volume & shape?
  6. The name of the chemicals in a reaction
  7. What is the name for everything that is not the system
  8. Any charecteristic that gives a sample of matter it's unique I.D
  9. Enity composed of 2 or more atoms attached to one another in a specific way
  10. What is physical material of the universe, it is anything that occupies space.
  11. What is matter that has distinct properties and a composition that does not vary from sample to sample
    • Pure Substance
    • Examples: Water & Table salt
  12. What cannot be decomposed into a simpler a simpler substance
  13. Substance composed of two or more elements they contain two or more kinds of atoms
  14. What law observes that the elemental composition of a pure compound is always the same
    Law of Constant Composition or Law of Definite Proportions
  15. What is a combination of different substances where each substance retains its own chemical idenity and properties.
    The composition can vary.
  16. What are the substances called that make up a mixture?
  17. What is a mixture called that doesn't have the same composition, properties, & apperance throughout?
    Heterogeneous mixture
  18. What is a mixture called that is uniform throughout?
  19. What is another name for a Homogeneous mixture?
  20. What are the two different type of properties?
    • 1. Physical
    • 2. Chemical
  21. What properity can be observed without changing the identity and composition of the substance?
    Physical Properties
  22. What do Physical Properties observe?
    • Color
    • Odor
    • Density
    • Melting point
    • Hardness
  23. What property describes the way a substance may change, or react, to form other substances?
    Chemical properties
  24. What is a common chemical property?
  25. What property does not depend on the amount of the sample being examined?
    Useful to I.D substances
  26. What are some of the intensive properties?
    • temperature
    • melting point
    • Density
  27. What properity depends on the quantity of a substance?
    Extensive Properties
  28. What is an example of extensive properties?
    • mass
    • volume
  29. What type of change does a substance changes its physical apperance but not its composition?
    Same substance before and after the change.
    Physical change
  30. What change includes all changes of state?
    L->G, L->S
  31. What type of change happens when a substance is transformed into a chemically different substance?
    Chemical change or chemical reaction
  32. What are 3 ways of separating a mixture?
    • Filtration
    • Distillation
    • Chromatography
  33. SI unit for mass
  34. SI unit for length
    Meter - m
  35. SI unit for time
    Second s^a
  36. SI unit for temp
    Kelvin - K
  37. SI unit for Amount of substance
    Mole - mol
  38. SI unit for electric current
    Ampere - A
  39. Giga
    • abb. Meaning Ex.
    • G 10^9 1 x 10^9
  40. Mega
    • Abb. Meaning Ex.
    • M 10^6 1 x 10^6
  41. Kilo
    • Abb. Meaning Ex.
    • k 10^3 1 X 10^3
  42. Deci
    • Abb. Meaning Ex.
    • d 10^-1 0.1
  43. Centi
    • Abb. Meaning Ex.
    • c 10^-2 0.01
  44. Milli
    • Abb. Meaning Ex
    • m 10^-3 0.001
  45. Micro
    • Abb. Meaning Ex.
    • u^a 10^-6 1 x 10^-6
  46. Nano
    • Abb. Meaning ex.
    • n 10^-9 1 x 10^-9
  47. Pico
    • Abb. Meaning Ex.
    • p 10^-12 1 x 10^-9
  48. femto
    • Abb. Meaning Ex.
    • f 10^-15 1 x 10^-15
  49. Kelvin conversion for Celsius
    K = C + 273.15
  50. Celsius to Fahrenheit
    C = 5/9 (F - 32)
  51. Fahrenheit to Celsius
    F = 9 / 5 (C) +32
  52. Volume of a cube is given in what
    • length cubed
    • cubic meter m^3
  53. What is defined as the amount of mass in a unit volume of the substance

    D= Mass / Volume
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