Nutrition and Metabolism Science Modules

  1. It is possible for vegetarians to obtain complete proteins by combining?
    A) Milk and Sugar
    B) Bread and Vitamins
    C) Fats and Pasta
    D) Legumes and Cereal grains
    Legumes and Cereal grains
  2. Anabolism includes reactions in which

    C) Larger molecules or structures are built from smaller ones

    Notes Anabolism UP Catabolism DOWN
  3. Gluconeogenesis is the process in which

    D) Glucose is formed from noncarbohydrate precursors.
  4. In general metabolic terms, food digestion is a form of____, while building new protein molecules is a form of _____.

    C) Catabolism; Anabolism

    Food digestion is a form of catabolism, while building new protein molecules is a form of anabolism.
  5. Catabolism would be best described as a process that

    D) Catabolism breaks down complex structures to simpler ones.
  6. The molecule that serves as the major source of readily available fuel for neurones and blood cells is

    D) The molecule that serves as the major source of readily available fuel for neurons and blood cells is Glucose.
  7. The process of breaking down triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acid is known as

    B) Lipolysis is the process of breaking down triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acid
  8. Which of the following statements best describe complete proteins?

    C) Complete protein must meet all the body's amino acid requirements for maintenance and growth.
  9. The term metabolism is best defined as

    A) Metabolism is the biochemical reaction involved in building up cell molecules or breaking down molecules for energy.
  10. What is the primary objective during the postabsorptive state?

    B) The primary objective during the post absorptive state is to maintain blood glucose at around 3.9-6.1 mmol/L of blood (within the homeostatic range).
  11. The majority of the food we ingest is ultimately

    C) The majority of food we ingest is ultimately used to synthesize ATP.
  12. Which of the choices below is not a source of glucose during the post absorptive state?

    A) Absorption of the glucose from the GI tract is NOT a source of glucose during the postabsorptive state.
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Nutrition and Metabolism Science Modules
NMIH201 Principles of Episodic Care science modules nutrition and metabolism