The very act is punishable and no proof of damage is required
Actionable per se
Act of the court shall prejudice no one
Actus Curiae Neminem Gravabit
An act does not make a man guilty unless there be guilty intention
Actus non facit reumnisi men sit rea
Wrongful act
Actus reaus
For the particular end or case at hand
Ad hoc
At the same point
Ad idem
According to value
Ad valorem
From another source
A friend of court member of the bar who is appointed to assist the court
Amicus Curiae
Intention to possess
Animus possidendi
Hear the other side
Audi alteram partem
Good faith; genuine
Bona fide
A caution registered with the public court to indicate to the officials that they are not to act in the matter mentioned in the caveat without first giving notice to the caveator
Let the buyer beware
Caveat emptor
Let the doer beware
Caveat actor
Let the seller beware
Caveat venditor
A writ by which records of proceedings are removed from interior courts to High Court and to quash decision that goes beyond its jurisdiction
The person who has the equitable right to property in India, known as beneficiary
Cestui que trust
Common consent necessary for a binding contract
Consensus ad idem
A contemporaneous expression or language is the best and strongest in Law
Contemporanea exposition est optima et fortissima lege