[TOXICOLOGY] Chemical Test for Poison

  1. Test for the presence of Halogen
    Beilstein test
  2. Positive result for beilstein test
    (+) green flame for presence of chlorine
  3. Test for the presence of Acetone
    Benzoldt gunning test
  4. Positive result for Benzoldt gunning test
    (+) indigotine
  5. Test for the presence of Aniline
    Bromine water test
  6. Positive result for Bromine water test
    (+) flesh colored precipitate of Tribromoaniline
  7. Test for the presence of Nitrite and Nitrates
    Brown ring test
  8. Positive result for Brown ring test
    • Brown ring at the interface
    • FeSO4 + H2SO4 --> brown ring at the interface
  9. Substance that will give false positive result for Brown ring test
    Bromine + Iodide
  10. Test for the presence of Methanol (vs Ethanol)
    Lieben's iodoform test
  11. Positive result for Lieben's iodoform test
    (+) formation of yellow precipitate of iodoform (CHI3)
  12. Test for the presence of common drugs of abuse
    Marquis test
  13. Positive result for Marquis test: Ecstacy
    dark purple or black
  14. Positive result for Marquis test: Amphetamine and Methamphetamine
    orange or brown
  15. Positive result for Marquis test: Propoxyphene
    purple or black
  16. Positive result for Marquis test: Heroine and opiates
    pink to purple
  17. Positive result for Marquis test: Aspirin
  18. Test for the presence of Arsenic
    Marsh test
  19. Positive result for Marsh test
    • (+) mirror like precipitate
    • soluble in NaOCl
  20. Substance that will give false positive result for Marsh test
    • Sb (antimony)
    • false (+) and insoluble in NaOCl
  21. Test for the presence of heavy metals
    • Reinsch test and
    • Atomic absorption spectrophotometry ("AAS")
  22. Positive result for Atomic absorption spectrophotometry ("AAS")
    "heavy" --> due ability to precipitate proteins
  23. Positive result for Reinsch test
    • Sb, As, Bi, Te and Sulfide
    • --> Dark coating on Cu strip
    • Hg (Mercury)
    • --> Silver coating on Cu strip
  24. Test for the presence of Marijuana
    Modified duquenois test
  25. Positive result for Modified duquenois test
    (+) red color on TLC due to THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)
  26. Test for the presence of Chloroform (vs Chloral Hydrate)
    Nessler (Mercuric KI)
  27. Positive result for Nessler (Mercuric KI) test
    (+) yellow precipitate on iodoform
  28. Test for the presence of Bismuth
    Nylander test
  29. Positive result for Nylander test
    formation of Bismuth subnitrate (white precipitate)
  30. Test for the presence of Nitrobenzene
    Phenylisocyanide test
  31. Positive result for Phenylisocyanide test
    • irritable odor detected
    • (+) chloroform --> aniline and phenylisocyanide
  32. Test for the presence of Mercury
    Potassium Iodide test
  33. Positive result for Potassium Iodide test
    (+) Orange precipitate
  34. Excessive addition of Potassium Iodide to its own orange precipitate will dissolve the precipitate and will form what reagent?
    • Valser's reagent
    • (orange solution)
  35. Test for the presence of Phosphorous
    Scherer test and Mitscherlich test
  36. Positive result for Scherer test
    (+) Black precipitate
  37. Positive result for Mitsherlich test
    • (+) Phosphorescence
    • it is a process in which energy absorbed by a substance is released relatively slowly in the form of light
    • #glow in the dark#
  38. Test for the presence of Prussic Acid (HCN)
    Picrate test
  39. Positive result for Picrate test
    Yellow --> brick red precipitate
  40. Test for the presence of Reducing substances
    Tollen's test
  41. Positive result for Tollen's test
    (+) mirror - like precipitate of elemental Ag (Silver)
  42. Test for the presence of CS2 (Carbon Sulfide)
  43. Positive result for Xanthogenate test
    (+) release of H2S
  44. Positive result for Atomic absorption spectrophotometry ("AAS")
    "heavy" --> due ability to precipitate proteins
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[TOXICOLOGY] Chemical Test for Poison
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