
  1. How do mormon's assure salvation?
    • Believe in Jesus
    • Be baptised into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
    • Receive the gift of the Holy Ghost through the laying on of hands by a person with priesthood authority.
    • Live a good life in obedience to the the Mormon Church

    Tithing (regular giving)
  2. What do Mormons believe about God?
    • God is an exalted, perfected man
    • God has a physical body
    • There is more than one God
    • Human beings have the potential to become like God
    • The Godhead consists of 3 separate and distinct beings, united in purpose
  3. What do Mormons believe about Jesus?
    • Jesus was the spiritual "first born" Son of God in the preexistence.
    • He is also the "only begotten" physical offspring of God by procreation on earth.
    • Because of his atonement, everyone born on this earth will be resurrected.
    • Jesus death was his obedience to the Father; therefore, his way of attaining exaltation.
  4. What do Mormons believe about heaven?
    • One of three levels of glory:Exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom for faithful Mormons where people may become gods or angels
    • Terrestrial Kingdom for righteous non-Mormons (also, not-so-good Mormons)
    • Telestial Kingdom for wicked and ungodly (not hell)
  5. what are the four standard works.
    • Book of Mormon (main scriptures)
    • Teaching of the Prophet Joseph Smith (preface of Book of Mormon)
    • Doctrine & Covenants (compilation of modern revelations)
    • Pearl of Great Price (clarifies lost doctrines and teachings)
  6. Primary Focus of Mormons
    • Men and women (18-21) go on missionary journeys to be good Mormons.
    • Spiritual benefit - growth of heavenly kingdoms
    • Earthly benefit - growth of church and funds
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