Cells and systems REview

  1. What is the Artery
    a blood vessel that conveys blood from the heart to any part of the body
  2. What is the Autonomic Nervous System
    the system of nerves and ganglia that innervates the blood vessels, heart, smooth muscles, viscera, and glands and controls their involuntary functions, consisting of sympathetic and parasympathetic portions.
  3. What is the Atrium
    either of the two upper chambers on each side of the heart that receive blood from the veins and in turn force it into the ventricles
  4. What is the Axon
    the appendage of the neuron that transmits impulses away from the cell body
  5. what is the Capillary
    one of the minute blood vessels between the terminations of the arteries and the beginnings of the veins
  6. what is a Cell
    a usually microscopic structure containing nuclear and cytoplasmic material enclosed by a semipermeable membrane and, in plants, a cell wall; the basic structural unit of all organisms.
  7. What is the cell membrene
    the semipermeable membrane enclosing the cytoplasm of a cell
  8. What is Cellular respiration
    the oxidation of organic compounds that occurs within cells, producing energy for cellular processes.
  9. What is Central Nervous System
    the part of the nervous system comprising the brain and spinal cord.
  10. What is Chemical digestion
    Chemical digestion is when food is broken down useing stomach acid.
  11. What is Chloroplast
    a plastid containing chlorophyll.
  12. WHat is Dendrite
    the branching process of a neuron that conducts impulses toward the cell
  13. What is Diffusion
    The movement of atoms or molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Atoms and small molecules can move across a cell membrane by diffusion. Compare osmosis
  14. What is Electrochemical Impulse
Card Set
Cells and systems REview
cells and systems