Aaron Williams

  1. The larynx ________.
    contains the apparatus for speech   
  2. The functions of the nasal cavity include ________. 
    warming, moistening, and filtering the air   
  3. Lymph vessels resemble these vessels of the systemic circulation. 
  4. The function of B cells in the immune response is ________. 
    to produce plasma cells that make antibodies   
  5. The property of immunological memory is ________. 
    the ability to recognize and mount an attack on an antigen that was previously encountered   
  6. Antibodies ________. 
    are proteins composed of heavy chains and light chains   
  7. If you were to draw an antibody, how might you sketch out its basic shape? 
    as a "Y"   
  8. In the Ouchterlony test, where will a precipitate form when bovine serum albumin is mixed with the antibodies for horse albumin, bovine albumin, and swine albumin? 
    between the wells for bovine albumin and antibodies for bovine albumin   
  9. B cells provide this kind of immunity. 
  10. Since urine contains dissolved solutes, it has a ________ specific gravity than water. 
  11. Glycosuria is characteristic of ________. 
    uncontrolled diabetes mellitus   
  12. Kidney stones are also known as renal ________. 
  13. Normal constituents of urine do not include ________. 
  14. Freshly voided urine ________. 
    smells slightly aromatic   
  15. ________ indicates the presence of white blood cells or other pus constituents in the urine. 
  16. Pathological conditions that cause albuminuria include ________. 
  17. The urine sample that you are testing has an abnormally low pH. Its pH was ________. 
  18. Which of the following is present in normal urine? 
  19. ________ always indicate(s) kidney pathology, whereas ________ may be present normally in small amounts. 
    Casts; crystals
  20. What is the function of the ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra? 
    transporting or storing urine   
  21. Name the strong transparent covering that encases the kidney.
    Fibrous capsule
  22. Where does the ureter penetrate the kidney?
  23. T/F:  The ureter, blood vessels, and nerves penetrate the kidney on its medial surface.
  24. T/F:  The fibrous capsule is a layer of adipose tissue that surrounds the kidney.
  25. Which region of the kidney is the most superficial?
    Renal cortex
  26. Where does filtration of the blood occur within the kidneys?
    Renal cortex
  27. Where are the renal columns located?
    Renal medulla
  28. Identify the correct direction of urine flow from formation to exiting the kidney.
    Cortex, medulla, renal pelvis, ureter
  29. Which structure is found separating the renal pyramids?
    Renal columns
  30. Which of the following regions of the kidney is in contact with the fibrous capsule?
    Renal cortex
  31. A major calyx is a component of which of the following anatomical structures?
    Renal pelvis
  32. Where does the kidney filter the blood?
    Renal corpuscle
  33. What is the function of the renal pelvis?
    Collects newly formed urine
  34. T/F:  The medullary pyramids contain collecting tubules (ducts) that travel towards the renal cortex, carrying urine to exit the kidney.
  35. What physical properties of sperm make them particularly well-suited for their job? 
    They are very streamlined, their heads are compact and tiny, and they have tails that can propel them forward.   
  36. These hormones control the uterine cycle. 
    estrogen and progesterone   
  37. Human gametes contain ________ chromosomes; somatic cells contain ________. 
    23; 46
  38. What happens at the end of the uterine cycle if fertilization has not occurred? 
    The corpus luteum degenerates.   
  39. Meiosis in males yields ________ gamete(s); in females, meiosis yields ________ gamete(s) 
    4; 1   
  40. The process of cellular division by which gametes are formed is called ________. 
  41. The follicle produces the hormone ________, while the corpus luteum produces the hormones ________ and ________. 
    estrogen; progesterone and estrogen   
  42. When sperm and egg fuse, a ________ is formed. 
  43. This neck-like portion of the uterus leads to the vagina. 
  44. The superficial layer of the uterus, which sloughs off periodically in response to cyclic hormonal changes, is the ________. 
    functional layer of the endometrium   
  45. Sperm are produced in the ________. 
    seminiferous tubules   
  46. The male gonads are the ________. 
Card Set
Aaron Williams
Study for Bio lab exam 2