karpatkin spring 7

  1. stride length
    • from foot strike to foot strike of same foot
    • aka gait cycle
  2. R/L step lengths?
    stepping forward with that foot, distance from back heel to the front heel
  3. break up into %s of time spent in swing, stance, and elements of stance
    • swing: 40%
    • stance: 60%
    •     initial double stance - 10%
    •     single limb support - 40%
    •     terminal double stance - 10%
  4. which is the most demanding task in the gait cycle? why?
    • initial contact and loading
    • bc 3 functional patterns ar needed -- shock absorption, initial limb stability, perservation of progress
  5. key muscles in initial contact and loading phase
    hip extensors, quads, DFers
  6. kinematics
    displacement/movement w/o respect to force
  7. kinetics
    force, distance, velocity
  8. kinematic changes at the ankle in elderly
    • decreased PF to DF ROM
    • decreased peak PF
    • greater toe out angle
  9. kinetic changes in ankle in the elderly
    • lower PF moment and poer
    • peak PF force occurs earlier in ROM
    • (so increase PF force to help gait) 
  10. changes in knee kinematics in elderly
    • decreased ROM (55° vs 59°)
    • extension angle at midstance decreased .5°/decade
    • swing phase angle decreases .5-.8°/decade
    • slight kne flexion at end of swing (this decreases quad demand for loading and correlates w shorter stride length)
  11. knee kinetics in elderly
    • higher energy absorption btwn stance and swing
    • lower peak knee absorption power
    • knee OA decreases knee power
  12. hip keniematics
    • ROM increases (40° vs 32°)
    • they accomodate for the increased extension w APT bc they have flexion contractures
    • shorter step lenght
    • lower hip AP accelerations (1.54m/s vs 1.91 m/s)
  13. hip kinetics
    compensations at hip produce higher concentric hip power, greater pull-off (sternght leaving ground)
  14. diminished hip ext -->?
    decreased push-off in late stance
  15. change in head A/P accelleration w age?
    increase - .62 m/s2 vs .48 m/s2
  16. head mvmnt attenuation  old vs yng
    58% vs 72%
  17. limb speed acceleration in elderly vs  youth
    higher A/P and M/L accelerations
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karpatkin spring 7
karpatkin spring 7