ATPL NAV maps and charts.

  1. A rhumb line?
    shortest distance?
    No unless it also happens to be a great circle.
  2. The only rhumb lines which are also great circles are ?
    Meridians at the equator.
  3. A great circle is the ?
    shortest distance between 2 points.
  4. Parallels on a lamberts chart are ?
    Arcs of concentric circles nearly equally spaced
  5. On a polar chart parallels are shown as.
    concentric circles which are unevenly spaced.
  6. Parallels on a Mercator s chart are ?
    straight lines unequally spaced.
  7. Meridians of longitude are represented on a polar stereographic map as
    Straight lines radiating from the poles.
  8. Meridians of longitude are represented on a Mercators maps as
    Parallel straight lines equally spaced.
  9. Meridians of longitude are represented on a Lambert's conical chart
    Straight lines converging at the poles.
  10. Straight lines cross Meridians on a Stereographic map appear as
    variable angles
  11. Straight lines cross Meridians on a Mercator's chart -
    at a constant angle (rhumb line)
  12. Straight lines cross Meridians on a Lambert's chart-
    at a variable angle approximately a great circle.
  13. Great circles are represented on a Polar chart as
    Approximated straight lines near the pole and concave to the pole near the equator.
  14. Great circle are represented on a Mercator's chart as a-
    Curved line concave to the equator except the equator and meridians which are straight lines
  15. Great circles on a lambert's chart are represented as-
    Straight lines concave to the parallels of origin.
  16. Rhumb lines on a polar chart are represented as a -
    Curved line concave to the nearer pole.
  17. Rhumb lines on a Mercator's chart are represented as a straight line
    Straight line
  18. Rhumb lines on a Lambert's chart are represented as a -
    Curved line concave to the nearer pole.
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ATPL NAV maps and charts.
ATPL NAV maps and charts.