BIOL 404-Exam 4-Reproduction 9

  1. What is the primary female hormone?
  2. Are Androgens being produced in females?
    Yes, though they are quickly converted to estrogens
  3. What is the purpose of the female external genetalia?
    • Accommodation of the reproductive process
    • Roles in Sexual intercourse and birth
  4. How is the female reproductive tract protected from invasion by pathogens?
    Acidic mucus
  5. What is the purpose of acidic mucus in the female reproductive tract?
    Protection against pathogen invasion
  6. What organs must spermatozoa move through before they can fertilize the egg?
    Cervix and uterus
  7. What organ actions cause the egg to move from the ovaries to the uterine tube?
    Combined action of fimbrial contractions and oviduct’s cilliary escalator
  8. Where does fertilization of the egg occur?
    In the early fallopian tube (near ovaries)
  9. Why is important that the egg be fertilized in the fallopian tube near the ovaries?
    So that the uterus has enough time to prepare for egg implantation after fertilization
  10. When do you have meitotic division of oogonia in females?
    During fetal life
  11. What happens to meitosis of oogonia after birth?
    Meitosis ceases and the final total number of oogonia are left
  12. How many oogonia do females have at birth?
    Around 500,000,000 oogonia
  13. What is the process of haploid gametes called in females?
  14. When does the first meiotic division occur in females?
  15. How long can oogonia stay in their static state?
    50 years
  16. The last division, the secondary meiotic division of the female gametes occurs at what time?
  17. When is the full sequence of meiosis completed in females?
    At the time of fertilization
  18. In males, for every germ cell how many gametes are produced?
  19. In females, for every germ cell, how many gametes are produced?
  20. What is the difference between a polar body a gamete?
    The gamete has all of the cytoplasm
  21. Both polar bodies and gametes have the same amount of genetic information (T/F)?
  22. Does the male contribute to the mitochondrial DNA?
  23. Does the female or male gamete contribute the mitochondrial DNA?
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BIOL 404-Exam 4-Reproduction 9
BIOL 404-Exam 4-Reproduction 9